blob: 511a1b40b1f472bc5dfcc66c00b1168abc93cda2 [file] [log] [blame]
Blocked access to external URL https://www.not-web-platform.test:9443/xhr/resources/
Blocked access to external URL https://www.not-web-platform.test:9443/xhr/resources/
Blocked access to external URL https://www.not-web-platform.test:9443/xhr/resources/
FAIL Cross-Site -> Same-Origin redirect assert_equals: destination expected (string) "image" but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL Cross-Site -> Same-Site redirect assert_equals: destination expected (string) "image" but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL Cross-Site -> Cross-Site redirect assert_equals: destination expected (string) "image" but got (undefined) undefined