blob: 8cde9c7b0d7d3d6f53287beef8a33d24c824db38 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Fetch with PUT with body
PASS Fetch with POST with text body
PASS Fetch with POST with URLSearchParams body
PASS Fetch with POST with Blob body
PASS Fetch with POST with ArrayBuffer body
PASS Fetch with POST with Uint8Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with Int8Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with Float32Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with Float64Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with DataView body
PASS Fetch with POST with Blob body with mime type
FAIL Fetch with POST with ReadableStream containing String promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: ReadableStream uploading is not supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected instance of function "function TypeError() {
[native code]
}" ("TypeError")
FAIL Fetch with POST with ReadableStream containing null promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: ReadableStream uploading is not supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected instance of function "function TypeError() {
[native code]
}" ("TypeError")
FAIL Fetch with POST with ReadableStream containing number promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: ReadableStream uploading is not supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected instance of function "function TypeError() {
[native code]
}" ("TypeError")
FAIL Fetch with POST with ReadableStream containing ArrayBuffer promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: ReadableStream uploading is not supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected instance of function "function TypeError() {
[native code]
}" ("TypeError")
FAIL Fetch with POST with ReadableStream containing Blob promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: ReadableStream uploading is not supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected instance of function "function TypeError() {
[native code]
}" ("TypeError")
FAIL Fetch with POST with text body on 421 response should be retried once on new connection. assert_equals: expected "ok. Request was sent 2 times. 2 connections were created." but got "ok. Request was sent 1 times. 1 connections were created."
FAIL Fetch with POST with ReadableStream on 421 response should return the response and not retry. promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NotSupportedError: ReadableStream uploading is not supported"