blob: 72ed4616ce7157a43ca33c3cbf2bbe90cc5eba47 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Cannot construct without new
PASS inherits from Error: prototype-side
PASS does not inherit from Error: class-side
PASS message property descriptor
PASS message getter performs brand checks (i.e. is not [LegacyLenientThis])
PASS name property descriptor
PASS name getter performs brand checks (i.e. is not [LegacyLenientThis])
PASS code property descriptor
PASS code getter performs brand checks (i.e. is not [LegacyLenientThis])
PASS code property is not affected by shadowing the name property
PASS Object.prototype.toString behavior is like other interfaces
PASS Inherits its toString() from Error.prototype
PASS toString() behavior from Error.prototype applies as expected
PASS DOMException.prototype.toString() applied to DOMException.prototype throws because of name/message brand checks
FAIL If the implementation has a stack property on normal errors, it also does on DOMExceptions assert_equals: The typeof values must match expected "string" but got "undefined"