blob: c862b05893d86e76e313fba4f6a348a6c6ce2241 [file] [log] [blame]
import { shouldBe, shouldThrow, shouldNotThrow } from "./resources/assert.js"
import * as ns from "./module-namespace-object-define-own-property/module.js"
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, Symbol.unscopables, {
value: 42
}, `TypeError: Attempting to define property on object that is not extensible.`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: 42
}, `TypeError: Attempting to change value of a readonly property.`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, "variable", {
get: function () { }
}, `TypeError: Cannot change module namespace object's binding to accessor`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, "variable", {
writable: false
}, `TypeError: Cannot change module namespace object's binding to non-writable attribute`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, "variable", {
enumerable: false
}, `TypeError: Cannot replace module namespace object's binding with non-enumerable attribute`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, "variable", {
configurable: true
}, `TypeError: Cannot replace module namespace object's binding with configurable attribute`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Object.defineProperty(ns, "variable", {
value: 43
}, `TypeError: Cannot replace module namespace object's binding's value`);
shouldNotThrow(() => {
Reflect.defineProperty(ns, "variable", { value: 42 });
shouldBe(Reflect.defineProperty(ns, "variable", { value: 42 }), true);