blob: e796e8e41fa115414dfbc9ce4594d5c31689d528 [file] [log] [blame]
# iexploder configuration file
# path to the data files (css-properties, css-values, etc.)
mangle_data_path: .
# This is only used by the, not the cgi.
access_log_path: ../access.log
# Some basic tuning for maximum crashing power.
html_tags_per_page: 100
attributes_per_html_tag_max: 15
properties_per_style_max: 15
attributes_per_style_property_max: 3
# URL's loaded by img/src/etc. get a max of this many fuzzed headers
headers_per_page_max: 2
# How many combinations should we try when generating subtests
subtest_combinations_max: 5
# How many lines wide should we start our subtesting at? Increase for faster/looser
# subtesting.
initial_subtest_width: 1
# How much garbage do we send the client? If you really want to explore
# buffer overflows, consider making this a much larger size (16K+)
buffer_overflow_length: 1025
max_garbage_text_size: 257
# These tags are X% likely to overwrite one randomly selected tag per page load
script: 65
style: 75
img: 90
video: 90
object: 90
embed: 90
# Exclude certain tag.parameter or combinations for a given regexp.
# An asterisk is allowed in the first field. Valid forms include:
# img.onloadbanana: "Bananarama 3000"
# "BananaWebKit\/532\.9 |BananaTron5K"
# *.style.-webkit-banana-rule: "BananaWebKit\/532\.9 |BananaTron5K"
# Hangs the test waiting for a prompt sometimes
iframe.src: "Firefox\/3.6"
*.style.content: "Chrome\/7\.0\.5"
# "Chrome\/7\.0\.5"