| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) |
| * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) |
| * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) |
| * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef HTMLInputElement_h |
| #define HTMLInputElement_h |
| |
| #include "FileChooser.h" |
| #include "HTMLTextFormControlElement.h" |
| #include "StepRange.h" |
| |
| namespace WebCore { |
| |
| class CheckedRadioButtons; |
| class DragData; |
| class FileList; |
| class HTMLDataListElement; |
| class HTMLOptionElement; |
| class Icon; |
| class InputType; |
| class KURL; |
| class ListAttributeTargetObserver; |
| struct DateTimeChooserParameters; |
| |
| class HTMLInputElement : public HTMLTextFormControlElement { |
| public: |
| static PassRefPtr<HTMLInputElement> create(const QualifiedName&, Document*, HTMLFormElement*, bool createdByParser); |
| virtual ~HTMLInputElement(); |
| |
| DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(webkitspeechchange); |
| |
| virtual HTMLInputElement* toInputElement() { return this; } |
| |
| virtual bool shouldAutocomplete() const; |
| |
| // For ValidityState |
| virtual bool hasBadInput() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool patternMismatch() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool rangeUnderflow() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool rangeOverflow() const; |
| virtual bool stepMismatch() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool tooLong() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool typeMismatch() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool valueMissing() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual String validationMessage() const OVERRIDE; |
| |
| // Returns the minimum value for type=date, number, or range. Don't call this for other types. |
| double minimum() const; |
| // Returns the maximum value for type=date, number, or range. Don't call this for other types. |
| // This always returns a value which is >= minimum(). |
| double maximum() const; |
| // Sets the "allowed value step" defined in the HTML spec to the specified double pointer. |
| // Returns false if there is no "allowed value step." |
| bool getAllowedValueStep(Decimal*) const; |
| StepRange createStepRange(AnyStepHandling) const; |
| |
| Decimal findClosestTickMarkValue(const Decimal&); |
| #endif |
| |
| // Implementations of HTMLInputElement::stepUp() and stepDown(). |
| void stepUp(int, ExceptionCode&); |
| void stepDown(int, ExceptionCode&); |
| void stepUp(ExceptionCode& ec) { stepUp(1, ec); } |
| void stepDown(ExceptionCode& ec) { stepDown(1, ec); } |
| // stepUp()/stepDown() for user-interaction. |
| bool isSteppable() const; |
| |
| bool isTextButton() const; |
| |
| bool isRadioButton() const; |
| bool isTextField() const; |
| bool isSearchField() const; |
| bool isInputTypeHidden() const; |
| bool isPasswordField() const; |
| bool isCheckbox() const; |
| bool isRangeControl() const; |
| |
| bool isColorControl() const; |
| #endif |
| |
| // FIXME: It's highly likely that any call site calling this function should instead |
| // be using a different one. Many input elements behave like text fields, and in addition |
| // any unknown input type is treated as text. Consider, for example, isTextField or |
| // isTextField && !isPasswordField. |
| bool isText() const; |
| |
| bool isEmailField() const; |
| bool isFileUpload() const; |
| bool isImageButton() const; |
| bool isNumberField() const; |
| bool isSubmitButton() const; |
| bool isTelephoneField() const; |
| bool isURLField() const; |
| bool isDateField() const; |
| bool isDateTimeField() const; |
| bool isDateTimeLocalField() const; |
| bool isMonthField() const; |
| bool isTimeField() const; |
| bool isWeekField() const; |
| |
| bool isSpeechEnabled() const; |
| #endif |
| |
| HTMLElement* containerElement() const; |
| virtual HTMLElement* innerTextElement() const; |
| HTMLElement* innerBlockElement() const; |
| HTMLElement* innerSpinButtonElement() const; |
| HTMLElement* resultsButtonElement() const; |
| HTMLElement* cancelButtonElement() const; |
| HTMLElement* speechButtonElement() const; |
| #endif |
| HTMLElement* sliderThumbElement() const; |
| HTMLElement* sliderTrackElement() const; |
| virtual HTMLElement* placeholderElement() const; |
| |
| bool checked() const { return m_isChecked; } |
| void setChecked(bool, TextFieldEventBehavior = DispatchNoEvent); |
| |
| // 'indeterminate' is a state independent of the checked state that causes the control to draw in a way that hides the actual state. |
| bool indeterminate() const { return m_isIndeterminate; } |
| void setIndeterminate(bool); |
| // shouldAppearChecked is used by the rendering tree/CSS while checked() is used by JS to determine checked state |
| bool shouldAppearChecked() const; |
| virtual bool isIndeterminate() const; |
| |
| int size() const; |
| bool sizeShouldIncludeDecoration(int& preferredSize) const; |
| |
| void setType(const String&); |
| |
| String value() const; |
| void setValue(const String&, ExceptionCode&, TextFieldEventBehavior = DispatchNoEvent); |
| void setValue(const String&, TextFieldEventBehavior = DispatchNoEvent); |
| void setValueForUser(const String&); |
| // Checks if the specified string would be a valid value. |
| // We should not call this for types with no string value such as CHECKBOX and RADIO. |
| bool isValidValue(const String&) const; |
| bool hasDirtyValue() const { return !m_valueIfDirty.isNull(); }; |
| |
| String sanitizeValue(const String&) const; |
| |
| String localizeValue(const String&) const; |
| |
| // The value which is drawn by a renderer. |
| String visibleValue() const; |
| |
| const String& suggestedValue() const; |
| void setSuggestedValue(const String&); |
| |
| void setEditingValue(const String&); |
| |
| double valueAsDate() const; |
| void setValueAsDate(double, ExceptionCode&); |
| |
| double valueAsNumber() const; |
| void setValueAsNumber(double, ExceptionCode&, TextFieldEventBehavior = DispatchNoEvent); |
| |
| String valueWithDefault() const; |
| |
| void setValueFromRenderer(const String&); |
| |
| bool canHaveSelection() const; |
| |
| virtual bool rendererIsNeeded(const NodeRenderingContext&); |
| virtual RenderObject* createRenderer(RenderArena*, RenderStyle*); |
| virtual void detach(); |
| |
| // FIXME: For isActivatedSubmit and setActivatedSubmit, we should use the NVI-idiom here by making |
| // it private virtual in all classes and expose a public method in HTMLFormControlElement to call |
| // the private virtual method. |
| virtual bool isActivatedSubmit() const; |
| virtual void setActivatedSubmit(bool flag); |
| |
| String altText() const; |
| |
| int maxResults() const { return m_maxResults; } |
| |
| String defaultValue() const; |
| void setDefaultValue(const String&); |
| |
| Vector<String> acceptMIMETypes(); |
| Vector<String> acceptFileExtensions(); |
| String accept() const; |
| String alt() const; |
| |
| void setSize(unsigned); |
| void setSize(unsigned, ExceptionCode&); |
| |
| KURL src() const; |
| |
| virtual int maxLength() const; |
| void setMaxLength(int, ExceptionCode&); |
| |
| bool multiple() const; |
| |
| bool isAutofilled() const { return m_isAutofilled; } |
| void setAutofilled(bool = true); |
| |
| FileList* files(); |
| void setFiles(PassRefPtr<FileList>); |
| |
| // Returns true if the given DragData has more than one dropped files. |
| bool receiveDroppedFiles(const DragData*); |
| |
| String droppedFileSystemId(); |
| #endif |
| |
| Icon* icon() const; |
| // These functions are used for rendering the input active during a |
| // drag-and-drop operation. |
| bool canReceiveDroppedFiles() const; |
| void setCanReceiveDroppedFiles(bool); |
| |
| void addSearchResult(); |
| void onSearch(); |
| |
| virtual bool willRespondToMouseClickEvents() OVERRIDE; |
| |
| HTMLElement* list() const; |
| HTMLDataListElement* dataList() const; |
| void listAttributeTargetChanged(); |
| #endif |
| |
| HTMLInputElement* checkedRadioButtonForGroup() const; |
| bool isInRequiredRadioButtonGroup(); |
| |
| // Functions for InputType classes. |
| void setValueInternal(const String&, TextFieldEventBehavior); |
| bool isTextFormControlFocusable() const; |
| bool isTextFormControlKeyboardFocusable(KeyboardEvent*) const; |
| bool isTextFormControlMouseFocusable() const; |
| bool valueAttributeWasUpdatedAfterParsing() const { return m_valueAttributeWasUpdatedAfterParsing; } |
| |
| void cacheSelectionInResponseToSetValue(int caretOffset) { cacheSelection(caretOffset, caretOffset, SelectionHasNoDirection); } |
| |
| // For test purposes. |
| void selectColorInColorChooser(const Color&); |
| #endif |
| |
| String defaultToolTip() const; |
| |
| String capture() const; |
| void setCapture(const String& value); |
| #endif |
| |
| static const int maximumLength; |
| |
| unsigned height() const; |
| unsigned width() const; |
| void setHeight(unsigned); |
| void setWidth(unsigned); |
| |
| virtual void blur() OVERRIDE; |
| void defaultBlur(); |
| void defaultFocus(bool restorePreviousSelection); |
| virtual void focus(bool restorePreviousSelection = true) OVERRIDE; |
| |
| virtual const AtomicString& name() const OVERRIDE; |
| |
| void endEditing(); |
| |
| static Vector<FileChooserFileInfo> filesFromFileInputFormControlState(const FormControlState&); |
| |
| virtual bool matchesReadOnlyPseudoClass() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool matchesReadWritePseudoClass() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void setRangeText(const String& replacement, ExceptionCode&) OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void setRangeText(const String& replacement, unsigned start, unsigned end, const String& selectionMode, ExceptionCode&) OVERRIDE; |
| |
| bool setupDateTimeChooserParameters(DateTimeChooserParameters&); |
| #endif |
| virtual void reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo*) const OVERRIDE; |
| |
| protected: |
| HTMLInputElement(const QualifiedName&, Document*, HTMLFormElement*, bool createdByParser); |
| void createShadowSubtree(); |
| virtual void defaultEventHandler(Event*); |
| // FIXME: Author shadows should be allowed |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92608 |
| virtual bool areAuthorShadowsAllowed() const OVERRIDE { return false; } |
| |
| private: |
| enum AutoCompleteSetting { Uninitialized, On, Off }; |
| |
| virtual void willChangeForm() OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void didChangeForm() OVERRIDE; |
| virtual InsertionNotificationRequest insertedInto(ContainerNode*) OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void removedFrom(ContainerNode*) OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void didMoveToNewDocument(Document* oldDocument) OVERRIDE; |
| |
| virtual bool hasCustomFocusLogic() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool isKeyboardFocusable(KeyboardEvent*) const; |
| virtual bool isMouseFocusable() const; |
| virtual bool isEnumeratable() const; |
| virtual bool supportLabels() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void updateFocusAppearance(bool restorePreviousSelection); |
| virtual bool shouldUseInputMethod(); |
| |
| virtual bool isTextFormControl() const { return isTextField(); } |
| |
| virtual bool canTriggerImplicitSubmission() const { return isTextField(); } |
| |
| virtual const AtomicString& formControlType() const; |
| |
| virtual bool shouldSaveAndRestoreFormControlState() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual FormControlState saveFormControlState() const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void restoreFormControlState(const FormControlState&) OVERRIDE; |
| |
| virtual bool canStartSelection() const; |
| |
| virtual void accessKeyAction(bool sendMouseEvents); |
| |
| virtual void parseAttribute(const QualifiedName&, const AtomicString&) OVERRIDE; |
| virtual bool isPresentationAttribute(const QualifiedName&) const OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(const Attribute&, StylePropertySet*) OVERRIDE; |
| virtual void finishParsingChildren(); |
| |
| virtual void copyNonAttributePropertiesFromElement(const Element&); |
| |
| virtual void attach(); |
| |
| virtual bool appendFormData(FormDataList&, bool); |
| |
| virtual bool isSuccessfulSubmitButton() const; |
| |
| virtual void reset(); |
| |
| virtual void* preDispatchEventHandler(Event*); |
| virtual void postDispatchEventHandler(Event*, void* dataFromPreDispatch); |
| |
| virtual bool isURLAttribute(const Attribute&) const OVERRIDE; |
| |
| virtual bool isInRange() const; |
| virtual bool isOutOfRange() const; |
| |
| virtual void documentDidResumeFromPageCache(); |
| |
| virtual void addSubresourceAttributeURLs(ListHashSet<KURL>&) const; |
| |
| bool needsSuspensionCallback(); |
| void registerForSuspensionCallbackIfNeeded(); |
| void unregisterForSuspensionCallbackIfNeeded(); |
| |
| bool supportsMaxLength() const { return isTextType(); } |
| bool isTextType() const; |
| bool tooLong(const String&, NeedsToCheckDirtyFlag) const; |
| |
| virtual bool supportsPlaceholder() const; |
| virtual void updatePlaceholderText(); |
| virtual bool isEmptyValue() const OVERRIDE { return innerTextValue().isEmpty(); } |
| virtual bool isEmptySuggestedValue() const { return suggestedValue().isEmpty(); } |
| virtual void handleFocusEvent(); |
| virtual void handleBlurEvent(); |
| |
| virtual bool isOptionalFormControl() const { return !isRequiredFormControl(); } |
| virtual bool isRequiredFormControl() const; |
| virtual bool recalcWillValidate() const; |
| virtual void requiredAttributeChanged() OVERRIDE; |
| |
| void updateType(); |
| |
| virtual void subtreeHasChanged(); |
| |
| void resetListAttributeTargetObserver(); |
| #endif |
| void parseMaxLengthAttribute(const AtomicString&); |
| void updateValueIfNeeded(); |
| |
| // Returns null if this isn't associated with any radio button group. |
| CheckedRadioButtons* checkedRadioButtons() const; |
| void addToRadioButtonGroup(); |
| void removeFromRadioButtonGroup(); |
| |
| AtomicString m_name; |
| String m_valueIfDirty; |
| String m_suggestedValue; |
| int m_size; |
| int m_maxLength; |
| short m_maxResults; |
| bool m_isChecked : 1; |
| bool m_reflectsCheckedAttribute : 1; |
| bool m_isIndeterminate : 1; |
| bool m_hasType : 1; |
| bool m_isActivatedSubmit : 1; |
| unsigned m_autocomplete : 2; // AutoCompleteSetting |
| bool m_isAutofilled : 1; |
| bool m_hasNonEmptyList : 1; |
| #endif |
| bool m_stateRestored : 1; |
| bool m_parsingInProgress : 1; |
| bool m_valueAttributeWasUpdatedAfterParsing : 1; |
| bool m_wasModifiedByUser : 1; |
| bool m_canReceiveDroppedFiles : 1; |
| bool m_hasTouchEventHandler : 1; |
| #endif |
| OwnPtr<InputType> m_inputType; |
| OwnPtr<ListAttributeTargetObserver> m_listAttributeTargetObserver; |
| #endif |
| }; |
| |
| } //namespace |
| #endif |