blob: d4012a2c33ab86d0257d763bc8669225b513cc4c [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef ExecState_h
#define ExecState_h
#include "LabelStack.h"
#include "LocalStorageEntry.h"
#include "completion.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "scope_chain.h"
namespace KJS {
class CommonIdentifiers;
class EvalNode;
class FunctionBodyNode;
class FunctionImp;
class GlobalFuncImp;
struct HashTable;
class Interpreter;
class JSGlobalObject;
class JSVariableObject;
class Machine;
class ProgramNode;
class RegisterFile;
class ScopeNode;
struct Instruction;
struct PerThreadData {
const HashTable* arrayTable;
const HashTable* dateTable;
const HashTable* mathTable;
const HashTable* numberTable;
const HashTable* RegExpImpTable;
const HashTable* RegExpObjectImpTable;
const HashTable* stringTable;
CommonIdentifiers* propertyNames;
List emptyList;
// Represents the current state of script execution.
// Passed as the first argument to most functions.
class ExecState : Noncopyable {
friend class Machine;
friend class DebuggerCallFrame;
ExecState(JSGlobalObject*, JSObject* globalThisValue, ScopeChainNode* globalScopeChain);
// Global object in which execution began.
JSGlobalObject* dynamicGlobalObject() const { return m_globalObject; }
// Global object in which the current script was defined. (Can differ
// from dynamicGlobalObject() during function calls across frames.)
JSGlobalObject* lexicalGlobalObject() const
return m_scopeChain->globalObject();
JSObject* globalThisValue() const { return m_globalThisValue; }
Machine* machine() const { return m_machine; }
// Exception propogation.
void setException(JSValue* exception) { m_exception = exception; }
void clearException() { m_exception = 0; }
JSValue* exception() const { return m_exception; }
JSValue** exceptionSlot() { return &m_exception; }
bool hadException() const { return !!m_exception; }
// These pointers are used to avoid accessing global variables for these,
// to avoid taking PIC branches in Mach-O binaries.
const CommonIdentifiers& propertyNames() const { return *m_perThreadData->propertyNames; }
const List& emptyList() const { return m_perThreadData->emptyList; }
static const HashTable* arrayTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->arrayTable; }
static const HashTable* dateTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->dateTable; }
static const HashTable* mathTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->mathTable; }
static const HashTable* numberTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->numberTable; }
static const HashTable* RegExpImpTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->RegExpImpTable; }
static const HashTable* RegExpObjectImpTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->RegExpObjectImpTable; }
static const HashTable* stringTable(ExecState* exec) { return exec->m_perThreadData->stringTable; }
ExecState(ExecState*, Machine*, RegisterFile*, ScopeChainNode*, int callFrameOffset);
bool isGlobalObject(JSObject*) const;
JSGlobalObject* m_globalObject;
JSObject* m_globalThisValue;
JSValue* m_exception;
const PerThreadData* m_perThreadData;
// These values are controlled by the machine.
ExecState* m_prev;
Machine* m_machine;
RegisterFile* m_registerFile;
ScopeChainNode* m_scopeChain;
int m_callFrameOffset; // A negative offset indicates a non-function scope.
// This code is now defunct:
enum CodeType { GlobalCode, EvalCode, FunctionCode };
class OldInterpreterExecState : public ExecState {
void pushSwitch() { m_switchDepth++; }
void popSwitch() { m_switchDepth--; }
bool inSwitch() const { return (m_switchDepth > 0); }
// These are only valid right after calling execute().
ComplType completionType() const { return m_completionType; }
const Identifier& breakOrContinueTarget() const
ASSERT(m_completionType == Break || m_completionType == Continue);
return *m_breakOrContinueTarget;
// Only for use in the implementation of execute().
void setCompletionType(ComplType type)
ASSERT(type != Break);
ASSERT(type != Continue);
m_completionType = type;
JSValue* setNormalCompletion()
m_completionType = Normal;
return 0;
JSValue* setNormalCompletion(JSValue* value)
m_completionType = Normal;
return value;
JSValue* setBreakCompletion(const Identifier* target)
m_completionType = Break;
m_breakOrContinueTarget = target;
return 0;
JSValue* setContinueCompletion(const Identifier* target)
m_completionType = Continue;
m_breakOrContinueTarget = target;
return 0;
JSValue* setReturnValueCompletion(JSValue* returnValue)
m_completionType = ReturnValue;
return returnValue;
JSValue* setThrowCompletion(JSValue* exception)
m_completionType = Throw;
return exception;
JSValue* setInterruptedCompletion()
m_completionType = Interrupted;
return 0;
CodeType codeType() { return m_codeType; }
void pushIteration() { m_iterationDepth++; }
void popIteration() { m_iterationDepth--; }
bool inIteration() const { return (m_iterationDepth > 0); }
LabelStack& seenLabels() { return m_labelStack; }
void pushScope(JSObject* s) { m_scopeChain.push(s); }
void popScope() { m_scopeChain.pop(); }
JSVariableObject* variableObject() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return m_variableObject; }
void setVariableObject(JSVariableObject* v) { m_variableObject = v; }
ExecState* callingExecState() { return m_callingExec; }
ScopeNode* scopeNode() { return m_scopeNode; }
const List* arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
FunctionImp* function() const { return m_function; }
LocalStorage& localStorage() { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return *(LocalStorage*)0; }
void setLocalStorage(LocalStorage*) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); }
ScopeChain& scopeChain() { return m_scopeChain; }
JSObject* thisValue() const { return m_thisValue; }
ComplType m_completionType;
const Identifier* m_breakOrContinueTarget;
int m_switchDepth;
CodeType m_codeType;
int m_iterationDepth;
LabelStack m_labelStack;
ScopeChainNode m_inlineScopeChainNode;
ScopeChain m_scopeChain;
JSVariableObject* m_variableObject;
ScopeNode* m_scopeNode;
const List* m_arguments;
FunctionImp* m_function;
ExecState* m_callingExec;
JSObject* m_thisValue;
} // namespace KJS
#endif // ExecState_h