| [%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public |
| # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this |
| # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. |
| # |
| # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as |
| # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
| #%] |
| |
| [% filtered_desc = blocked_tree.$bugid.short_desc FILTER html %] |
| [% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl |
| title = "Dependency tree for $terms.Bug $bugid" |
| header = "Dependency tree for |
| <a href=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugid\">$terms.Bug $bugid</a>" |
| javascript_urls = ["js/expanding-tree.js"] |
| style_urls = ['skins/standard/bug.css'] |
| subheader = filtered_desc |
| doc_section = "using/understanding.html" |
| %] |
| |
| [% PROCESS depthControlToolbar %] |
| |
| [% INCLUDE tree_section ids=dependson_ids type=1 %] |
| |
| [% INCLUDE tree_section ids=blocked_ids type=2 %] |
| |
| [% PROCESS depthControlToolbar %] |
| |
| [% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %] |
| |
| [%###########################################################################%] |
| [%# Tree-drawing blocks #%] |
| [%###########################################################################%] |
| |
| [% BLOCK tree_section %] |
| # - ids: a list of bug IDs to be displayed as children |
| # - type: the type of tree. 1 = depends on, 2 = blockeds |
| # - seen: Maintains a global hash of bugs that have been displayed |
| #%] |
| [% global.seen = {} %] |
| [%# Display the tree of bugs that this bug depends on. %] |
| <h3> |
| <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=[% bugid %]">[% terms.Bug %] [%+ bugid %]</a> |
| [% IF type == 1 %] |
| [% tree_name = "dependson_tree" %] |
| [% IF ids.size %] |
| depends on |
| [% ELSE %] |
| does not depend on any [% 'open ' IF hide_resolved %][% terms.bugs %]. |
| [% END %] |
| [% ELSIF type == 2 %] |
| [% tree_name = "blocked_tree" %] |
| [% IF ids.size %] |
| blocks |
| [% ELSE %] |
| does not block any [% 'open ' IF hide_resolved %][% terms.bugs %]. |
| [% END %] |
| [% END %] |
| [% IF ids.size %] |
| [%+ (ids.size == 1) ? "one" : ids.size %] |
| [%+ IF hide_resolved %]open[% END %] |
| [%+ (ids.size == 1) ? terms.bug : terms.bugs %]: |
| [% END %] |
| </h3> |
| [% IF ids.size %] |
| [%# 27 chars is the length of buglist.cgi?tweak=&bug_id=" %] |
| [% use_post = (ids.join(",").length > constants.CGI_URI_LIMIT - 27 ) ? 1 : 0 %] |
| [% IF use_post %] |
| <form action="buglist.cgi" method="post"> |
| <input type="hidden" name="bug_id" value="[% ids.join(",") %]"> |
| [% END %] |
| |
| [% IF maxdepth -%]Up to [% maxdepth %] level[% "s" IF maxdepth > 1 %] deep | [% END -%] |
| [% IF use_post %] |
| <button>view as [% terms.bug %] list</button> |
| [% IF user.in_group('editbugs') && ids.size > 1 %] |
| | <button type="submit" name="tweak" value="1">change several</button> |
| [% END %] |
| </form> |
| [% ELSE %] |
| <a href="buglist.cgi?bug_id=[% ids.join(",") %]">view as [% terms.bug %] list</a> |
| [% IF user.in_group('editbugs') && ids.size > 1 %] |
| | <a href="buglist.cgi?bug_id=[% ids.join(",") %]&tweak=1">change several</a> |
| [% END %] |
| [% END %] |
| |
| <ul class="tree"> |
| [% INCLUDE display_tree tree=$tree_name %] |
| </ul> |
| [% END %] |
| [% END %] |
| |
| |
| [% BLOCK display_tree %] |
| # - bugid: the ID of the bug being displayed |
| # - tree: a hash of bug objects and of bug dependencies |
| #%] |
| [% bug = tree.$bugid %] |
| <li> |
| [%- INCLUDE bullet bugid=bugid tree=tree -%] |
| <span class="summ[% "_deep" IF tree.dependencies.$bugid.size %]" |
| id="[% bugid FILTER html %]" |
| [% IF global.seen.$bugid %] |
| onMouseover="duplicatedover('[% bugid FILTER html %]')" |
| onMouseout="duplicatedout('[% bugid FILTER html %]')" |
| [% END %]> |
| [%- INCLUDE buglink bug=bug bugid=bugid %] |
| </span> |
| [% IF global.seen.$bugid %] |
| <b><a title="Already displayed above; click to locate" |
| onclick="duplicated('[% bugid FILTER html %]')" |
| href="#b[% bugid %]">(*)</a></b> |
| [% ELSIF tree.dependencies.$bugid.size %] |
| <ul> |
| [% FOREACH depid = tree.dependencies.$bugid %] |
| [% INCLUDE display_tree bugid=depid %] |
| [% END %] |
| </ul> |
| [% END %] |
| </li> |
| [% global.seen.$bugid = 1 %] |
| [% END %] |
| |
| [% BLOCK bullet %] |
| [% IF tree.dependencies.$bugid.size && ! global.seen.$bugid %] |
| [% extra_class = " b_open" %] |
| [% extra_args = 'onclick="return doToggle(this, event)"' %] |
| [% END %] |
| <a id="b[% bugid %]" |
| class="b [%+ extra_class FILTER none %]" |
| title="Click to expand or contract this portion of the tree. Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking to expand or contract all subtrees." |
| [% extra_args FILTER none %]> </a> |
| [% END %] |
| |
| [% BLOCK buglink %] |
| [% isclosed = !bug.isopened %] |
| [% FILTER closed(isclosed) -%] |
| <a title="[% INCLUDE buginfo bug=bug %]" |
| href="show_bug.cgi?id=[% bugid %]"> |
| <b>[%- bugid %]:</b> |
| <span class="summ_text">[%+ bug.short_desc FILTER html %]</span> |
| <span class="summ_info">[[% INCLUDE buginfo %]]</span> |
| </a> |
| <a href="showdependencytree.cgi?id=[% bugid FILTER uri %]" |
| class="tree_link"> |
| <img src="skins/standard/dependency-tree/tree.png" |
| title="See dependency tree for [% terms.bug %] [%+ bugid FILTER html %]"> |
| </a> |
| [% END %] |
| [% END %] |
| |
| [% BLOCK buginfo %] |
| [% display_value("bug_status", bug.bug_status) FILTER html -%] |
| [%- IF bug.resolution %] [%+ display_value("resolution", bug.resolution) FILTER html %][% END %]; |
| [%-%] assigned to [% bug.assigned_to.login FILTER email FILTER html %] |
| [% IF Param("usetargetmilestone") AND bug.target_milestone %] |
| [%-%]; target: [% bug.target_milestone FILTER html %] |
| [% END %] |
| [% END %] |
| |
| [%###########################################################################%] |
| [%# Block for depth control toolbar #%] |
| [%###########################################################################%] |
| |
| [% BLOCK depthControlToolbar %] |
| <table class="dependency_tree_controls"> |
| <tr> |
| [%# Hide/show resolved button |
| Swaps text depending on the state of hide_resolved %] |
| <td> |
| <form method="get" action="showdependencytree.cgi"> |
| <input name="id" type="hidden" value="[% bugid %]"> |
| [% IF maxdepth %] |
| <input name="maxdepth" type="hidden" value="[% maxdepth %]"> |
| [% END %] |
| <input type="hidden" name="hide_resolved" value="[% hide_resolved ? 0 : 1 %]"> |
| <input type="submit" id="toggle_visibility" |
| value="[% IF hide_resolved %]Show[% ELSE %]Hide[% END %] Resolved"> |
| </form> |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| Max Depth: |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| <form method="get" action="showdependencytree.cgi"> |
| [%# set to one form %] |
| <input type="submit" id="change_maxdepth" value="1" |
| [% "disabled" IF realdepth < 2 || maxdepth == 1 %]> |
| <input name="id" type="hidden" value="[% bugid %]"> |
| <input name="maxdepth" type="hidden" value="1"> |
| <input name="hide_resolved" type="hidden" value="[% hide_resolved %]"> |
| </form> |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| <form method="get" action="showdependencytree.cgi"> |
| [%# Minus one form |
| Allow subtracting only when realdepth and maxdepth > 1 %] |
| <input name="id" type="hidden" value="[% bugid %]"> |
| <input name="maxdepth" type="hidden" value="[% |
| maxdepth == 1 ? 1 |
| : ( maxdepth ? maxdepth - 1 : realdepth - 1 ) |
| %]"> |
| <input name="hide_resolved" type="hidden" value="[% hide_resolved %]"> |
| <input type="submit" id="decrease_depth" value="<" |
| [% "disabled" IF realdepth < 2 || ( maxdepth && maxdepth < 2 ) %]> |
| </form> |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| <form method="get" action="showdependencytree.cgi"> |
| [%# Limit entry form: the button cannot do anything when total depth |
| is less than two, so disable it %] |
| <input name="maxdepth" size="4" maxlength="4" value="[% |
| maxdepth > 0 && maxdepth <= realdepth ? maxdepth : "" |
| %]"> |
| <input name="id" type="hidden" value="[% bugid %]"> |
| <input name="hide_resolved" type="hidden" value="[% hide_resolved %]"> |
| <noscript> |
| <input type="submit" id="change_depth" value="Change" |
| [% "disabled" IF realdepth < 2 %]> |
| </noscript> |
| </form> |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| <form method="get" action="showdependencytree.cgi"> |
| [%# plus one form |
| Disable button if total depth < 2, or if depth set to unlimited %] |
| <input name="id" type="hidden" value="[% bugid %]"> |
| [% IF maxdepth %] |
| <input name="maxdepth" type="hidden" value="[% maxdepth + 1 %]"> |
| [% END %] |
| <input name="hide_resolved" type="hidden" value="[% hide_resolved %]"> |
| <input type="submit" id="increase_depth" value=">" |
| [% "disabled" IF realdepth < 2 || !maxdepth || maxdepth >= realdepth %]> |
| </form> |
| </td> |
| |
| <td> |
| <form method="get" action="showdependencytree.cgi"> |
| [%# Unlimited button %] |
| <input name="id" type="hidden" value="[% bugid %]"> |
| <input name="hide_resolved" type="hidden" value="[% hide_resolved %]"> |
| <input type="submit" id="remove_limit" |
| value="Unlimited" |
| [% "disabled" IF maxdepth == 0 || maxdepth == realdepth %]> |
| </form> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| |
| [% END %] |