blob: cd747532892f9605095a48c91f90a583508f145a [file] [log] [blame]
KRenderingPaintServer {id="Grad1" [type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [stops=[]] [center=(50,50)] [focal=(50,50)] [radius=50.00]}
KRenderingPaintServer {id="Grad2" [type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [stops=[]] [center=(20,20)] [focal=(20,20)] [radius=50.00]}
KRenderingPaintServer {id="Grad3" [type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [stops=[]] [bounding box mode=0] [center=(25,215)] [focal=(25,215)] [radius=25.00]}
layer at (0,0) size 480x360
RenderCanvas at (0,0) size 480x360
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KCanvasContainer {g} at (10.00,35) size 460x225
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x17
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 194x17
text run at (0,0) width 194: "Testing gradientUnits attribute"
KCanvasItem {rect} at (10,35) size 460x50 [fill={[type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [stops=[]] [center=(50,50)] [focal=(50,50)] [radius=50.00]}] [data="M10.00,35.00L470.00,35.00L470.00,85.00L10.00,85.00"]
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x14
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 298x14
text run at (0,0) width 298: "Radial gradient with default attributes (from blue to red)"
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x14
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 343x14
text run at (0,0) width 343: "Gradient is blue at the object center and red at the object edges"
KCanvasItem {rect} at (10,125) size 460x50 [fill={[type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [stops=[]] [center=(20,20)] [focal=(20,20)] [radius=50.00]}] [data="M10.00,125.00L470.00,125.00L470.00,175.00L10.00,175.00"]
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x14
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 187x14
text run at (0,0) width 187: "gradientUnits=objectBoundingBox"
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x14
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 152x14
text run at (0,0) width 152: "cx=.2, cy=.2, r=.5, fx=.2 fy=.2"
KCanvasItem {rect} at (10.00,210.00) size 460x50 [transform={m=((-0.00,-1.00)(1.00,-0.00)) t=(10.00,260.00)}] [fill={[type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [stops=[]] [bounding box mode=0] [center=(25,215)] [focal=(25,215)] [radius=25.00]}] [data="M0.00,0.00L50.00,0.00L50.00,460.00L0.00,460.00"]
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x14
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 177x14
text run at (0,0) width 177: "gradientUnits=userSpaceOnUse"
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x14
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 380x14
text run at (0,0) width 380: "Gradient is red to blue radial gradiant from center to horizontal bounds"
RenderSVGText {text} at (0,0) size 465x46
RenderText {TEXT} at (0,0) size 314x46
text run at (0,0) width 314: "$Revision$"
KCanvasItem {rect} at (0.50,0.50) size 479x359 [stroke={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [data="M1.00,1.00L479.00,1.00L479.00,359.00L1.00,359.00"]