| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script> |
| description( |
| "This test checks mutation of the DOM and how it affects Ranges." |
| ); |
| |
| var a; |
| var b; |
| var c; |
| var d; |
| var e; |
| var paragraph; |
| var section; |
| var text; |
| var text1; |
| var text2; |
| var text3; |
| |
| function name(node) |
| { |
| if (node == a) |
| return "a"; |
| if (node == b) |
| return "b"; |
| if (node == c) |
| return "c"; |
| if (node == d) |
| return "d"; |
| if (node == e) |
| return "e"; |
| if (node == paragraph) |
| return "paragraph"; |
| if (node == section) |
| return "section"; |
| if (node == text) |
| return "text"; |
| if (node == text1) |
| return "text1"; |
| if (node == text2) |
| return "text2"; |
| if (node == text3) |
| return "text3"; |
| return "???"; |
| } |
| |
| function description(range) |
| { |
| return name(range.startContainer) + "," + range.startOffset + " -> " + name(range.endContainer) + "," + range.endOffset + ": " + range.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| function makeRange(sc, so, ec, eo) |
| { |
| var newRange = document.createRange(); |
| newRange.setStart(sc, so); |
| newRange.setEnd(ec, eo); |
| return newRange; |
| } |
| |
| function setUp1() |
| { |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| text = document.createTextNode("Abcd efgh XY blah ijkl"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text); |
| range = makeRange(text, 11, text, 19); |
| } |
| |
| function createTestElement(name) |
| { |
| var element = document.createElement("em"); |
| var text = document.createTextNode(name); |
| element.appendChild(text); |
| return element; |
| } |
| |
| function setUp2() |
| { |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| a = createTestElement("a"); |
| b = createTestElement("b"); |
| c = createTestElement("c"); |
| d = createTestElement("d"); |
| e = createTestElement("e"); |
| |
| paragraph.appendChild(a); |
| paragraph.appendChild(b); |
| paragraph.appendChild(c); |
| paragraph.appendChild(d); |
| range = makeRange(paragraph, 1, paragraph, 3); |
| } |
| |
| function setUp3() |
| { |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| a = document.createTextNode("ax"); |
| b = document.createTextNode("by"); |
| |
| paragraph.appendChild(a); |
| paragraph.appendChild(b); |
| |
| range = makeRange(a, 1, b, 1); |
| } |
| |
| function setUp4() |
| { |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| a = document.createTextNode("abcd"); |
| |
| paragraph.appendChild(a); |
| |
| range = makeRange(a, 1, a, 3); |
| } |
| |
| function setUp5() |
| { |
| section = document.createElement("div"); |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| a = document.createTextNode("abcde"); |
| |
| section.appendChild(paragraph); |
| paragraph.appendChild(a); |
| |
| range = makeRange(a, 2, section, 1); |
| } |
| |
| // First, tests from the DOM Level 2 specification. |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.1. Insertions, example 1. |
| setUp1(); |
| text.insertData(10, "inserted text"); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,24 -> text,32: Y blah i"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.1. Insertions, example 2. |
| // Firefox does not match the DOM Level 2 specification on this one. |
| setUp1(); |
| text.insertData(11, "inserted text"); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,11 -> text,32: inserted textY blah i"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.1. Insertions, example 3. |
| setUp1(); |
| text.insertData(12, "inserted text"); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,11 -> text,32: Yinserted text blah i"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.1. Insertions, example 4. |
| setUp1(); |
| text.insertData(17, "inserted text"); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,11 -> text,32: Y blahinserted text i"'); |
| |
| // Similar test at the range end. |
| setUp1(); |
| text.insertData(18, "inserted text"); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,11 -> text,32: Y blah inserted texti"'); |
| |
| // Similar test at the range end. |
| setUp1(); |
| text.insertData(19, "inserted text"); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,11 -> text,19: Y blah i"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.2. Deletions, example 1. |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| text = document.createTextNode("Abcd efgh The Range ijkl"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text); |
| range = makeRange(text, 11, text, 21); |
| text.deleteData(5, 8); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,5 -> text,13: Range i"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.2. Deletions, example 2. |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| text = document.createTextNode("Abcd efgh The Range ijkl"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text); |
| range = makeRange(text, 11, text, 21); |
| text.deleteData(5, 17); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,5 -> text,5: "'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.2. Deletions, example 3. |
| // Firefox does not match the DOM Level 2 specification on this one. |
| // Or maybe I wrote the test wrong? |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| text1 = document.createTextNode("ABCD efgh The "); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text1); |
| em = document.createElement("em"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(em); |
| text2 = document.createTextNode("Range"); |
| em.appendChild(text2); |
| text3 = document.createTextNode(" ijkl"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text3); |
| range = makeRange(text1, 11, text2, 5); |
| makeRange(text1, 5, text2, 1).deleteContents(); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text1,5 -> text2,4: ange"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.2. Deletions, example 4. |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| text = document.createTextNode("Abcd efgh The Range ijkl"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text); |
| range = makeRange(text, 11, text, 21); |
| text.deleteData(5, 6); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text,5 -> text,15: he Range i"'); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal Range, 2.12.2. Deletions, example 5. |
| paragraph = document.createElement("p"); |
| text1 = document.createTextNode("Abcd "); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text1); |
| em = document.createElement("em"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(em); |
| text2 = document.createTextNode("efgh The Range ij"); |
| em.appendChild(text2); |
| text3 = document.createTextNode("kl"); |
| paragraph.appendChild(text3); |
| range = makeRange(text2, 6, text2, 16); |
| makeRange(paragraph, 1, paragraph, 2).deleteContents(); |
| shouldBe('paragraph.childNodes.length', '2'); |
| shouldBe('text1.length', '5'); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> paragraph,1: "'); |
| paragraph.normalize(); |
| shouldBe('paragraph.childNodes.length', '1'); |
| shouldBe('text1.length', '7'); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"text1,5 -> text1,5: "'); |
| |
| // Inserting a node in the start container, before the range start offset. |
| setUp2(); |
| paragraph.insertBefore(e, a); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,2 -> paragraph,4: bc"'); |
| |
| // Inserting a node in the start container, at the range start offset. |
| setUp2(); |
| paragraph.insertBefore(e, b); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> paragraph,4: ebc"'); |
| |
| // Inserting a node in the start container, between start and end. |
| setUp2(); |
| paragraph.insertBefore(e, c); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> paragraph,4: bec"'); |
| |
| // Inserting a node in the end container, at the range end offset. |
| setUp2(); |
| paragraph.insertBefore(e, d); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> paragraph,3: bc"'); |
| |
| // Inserting a node in the end container, after the range end offset. |
| setUp2(); |
| paragraph.appendChild(e); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> paragraph,3: bc"'); |
| |
| // Removing the start container of a range. |
| setUp2(); |
| range = makeRange(b, 0, d, 1); |
| paragraph.removeChild(b); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> d,1: cd"'); |
| setUp2(); |
| range = makeRange(b, 1, d, 0); |
| paragraph.removeChild(b); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"paragraph,1 -> d,0: c"'); |
| |
| // Removing the end container of a range. |
| setUp2(); |
| range = makeRange(b, 0, d, 1); |
| paragraph.removeChild(d); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"b,0 -> paragraph,3: bc"'); |
| setUp2(); |
| range = makeRange(b, 1, d, 0); |
| paragraph.removeChild(d); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"b,1 -> paragraph,3: c"'); |
| |
| // Calling normalize with a range that has an endpoint in a text node that gets merged into another. |
| // Firefox does not do what the DOM Level 2 specification seems to call for on this one. |
| setUp3(); |
| paragraph.normalize(); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"a,1 -> a,3: xb"'); |
| |
| // Calling splitText when a range has an endpoint on in the piece that gets made into a new text node. |
| // Firefox does not do what the DOM Level 2 specification seems to call for on this one. |
| setUp4(); |
| b = a.splitText(1); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"a,1 -> b,2: bc"'); |
| setUp4(); |
| b = a.splitText(2); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"a,1 -> b,1: bc"'); |
| setUp4(); |
| b = a.splitText(3); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"a,1 -> a,3: bc"'); |
| |
| // Range test in Acid3. |
| setUp5(); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"a,2 -> section,1: cde"'); |
| section.removeChild(paragraph); |
| shouldBe('description(range)', '"section,0 -> section,0: "'); |
| |
| // Children in a range being removed, but by DOM mutation (not CharacterData mutation). |
| // Test CharacterData.replaceData cases? |
| // Test Element.innerHTML cases (setting it)? |
| // Test Element.innerText cases (setting it)? |
| // Test Element.outerHTML cases (setting it)? |
| // Test Element.outerText cases (setting it)? |
| // Test Node.replaceChild cases? |
| // Test cases where Node.insertBefore/appendChild has a side effect of deleting the node from a range. |
| // Test Range.deleteContents cases? |
| // Test Range.extractContents cases? |
| // Test Range.surroundContents cases? |
| // Test Text.replaceWholeText cases? |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |