blob: 045e5722c87680464c0f57b30d9707efc4ddb44c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: White Space between LeftHandSideExpression and "++" are allowed
es5id: 11.3.1_A1.2_T1
esid: postfix-increment-operator
var x = 0;
assert.sameValue(x ++, 0, 'U+0009 (expression)');
assert.sameValue(x, 1, 'U+0009 (side effect)');
assert.sameValue(x ++, 1, 'U+000B (expression)');
assert.sameValue(x, 2, 'U+000B (side effect)');
assert.sameValue(x ++, 2, 'U+000C (expression)');
assert.sameValue(x, 3, 'U+000C (side effect)');
assert.sameValue(x ++, 3, 'U+0020 (expression)');
assert.sameValue(x, 4, 'U+0020 (side effect)');
assert.sameValue(x ++, 4, 'U+00A0 (expression)');
assert.sameValue(x, 5, 'U+00A0 (side effect)');
assert.sameValue(x  ++, 5, 'U+0009U+000BU+000CU+0020U+00A0 (expression)');
assert.sameValue(x, 6, 'U+0009U+000BU+000CU+0020U+00A0 (side effect)');