| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <title>Custom Elements: Each element must have its own custom element reaction queue</title> |
| <meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="mailto:rniwa@webkit.org"> |
| <meta name="assert" content="Each element must have its own custom element reaction queue"> |
| <meta name="help" content="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#custom-element-reaction-queue"> |
| <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| <script src="./resources/custom-elements-helpers.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <div id="log"></div> |
| <script> |
| |
| test_with_window(function (contentWindow) { |
| const contentDocument = contentWindow.document; |
| contentDocument.write('<test-element id="first-element">'); |
| contentDocument.write('<test-element id="second-element">'); |
| |
| const element1 = contentDocument.getElementById('first-element'); |
| const element2 = contentDocument.getElementById('second-element'); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element1), contentWindow.HTMLElement.prototype); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element2), contentWindow.HTMLElement.prototype); |
| |
| let log = []; |
| class TestElement extends contentWindow.HTMLElement { |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| log.push(create_constructor_log(this)); |
| } |
| connectedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_connected_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| attributeChangedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| static get observedAttributes() { return ['id']; } |
| } |
| contentWindow.customElements.define('test-element', TestElement); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element1), TestElement.prototype); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element2), TestElement.prototype); |
| |
| assert_equals(log.length, 6); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[0], element1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(log[1], {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'first-element', namespace: null}); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[2], element1); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[3], element2); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(log[4], {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'second-element', namespace: null}); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[5], element2); |
| }, 'Upgrading a custom element must invoke attributeChangedCallback and connectedCallback before start upgrading another element'); |
| |
| test_with_window(function (contentWindow) { |
| const contentDocument = contentWindow.document; |
| contentDocument.write('<test-element id="first-element">'); |
| contentDocument.write('<test-element id="second-element">'); |
| |
| const element1 = contentDocument.getElementById('first-element'); |
| const element2 = contentDocument.getElementById('second-element'); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element1), contentWindow.HTMLElement.prototype); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element2), contentWindow.HTMLElement.prototype); |
| |
| let log = []; |
| class TestElement extends contentWindow.HTMLElement { |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| log.push(create_constructor_log(this)); |
| if (this == element1) { |
| element2.setAttribute('title', 'hi'); |
| element2.removeAttribute('title'); |
| element2.setAttribute('class', 'foo'); |
| } |
| } |
| connectedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_connected_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| attributeChangedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| static get observedAttributes() { return ['id', 'class', 'title']; } |
| } |
| contentWindow.customElements.define('test-element', TestElement); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element1), TestElement.prototype); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element2), TestElement.prototype); |
| |
| assert_equals(log.length, 7); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[0], element1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(log[1], {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'first-element', namespace: null}); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[2], element1); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[3], element2); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(log[4], {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'second-element', namespace: null}); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(log[5], {name: 'class', oldValue: null, newValue: 'foo', namespace: null}); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[6], element2); |
| }, 'Mutating a undefined custom element while upgrading a custom element must not enqueue or invoke reactions on the mutated element'); |
| |
| test_with_window(function (contentWindow) { |
| let log = []; |
| let element1; |
| let element2; |
| class TestElement extends contentWindow.HTMLElement { |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| log.push(create_constructor_log(this)); |
| } |
| adoptedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_adopted_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| if (this == element1) |
| element3.setAttribute('id', 'foo'); |
| } |
| connectedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_connected_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| attributeChangedCallback(...args) { |
| log.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| static get observedAttributes() { return ['id', 'class']; } |
| } |
| |
| contentWindow.customElements.define('test-element', TestElement); |
| |
| let contentDocument = contentWindow.document; |
| element1 = contentDocument.createElement('test-element'); |
| element2 = contentDocument.createElement('test-element'); |
| element3 = contentDocument.createElement('test-element'); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element1), TestElement.prototype); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element2), TestElement.prototype); |
| assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(element3), TestElement.prototype); |
| |
| assert_equals(log.length, 3); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[0], element1); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[1], element2); |
| assert_constructor_log_entry(log[2], element3); |
| log = []; |
| |
| const container = contentDocument.createElement('div'); |
| container.appendChild(element1); |
| container.appendChild(element2); |
| container.appendChild(element3); |
| |
| const anotherDocument = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); |
| anotherDocument.documentElement.appendChild(container); |
| |
| assert_equals(log.length, 7); |
| assert_adopted_log_entry(log[0], element1); |
| assert_adopted_log_entry(log[1], element3); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[2], element3); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(log[3], {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'foo', namespace: null}); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[4], element1); |
| assert_adopted_log_entry(log[5], element2); |
| assert_connected_log_entry(log[6], element2); |
| |
| }, 'Mutating another custom element inside adopted callback must invoke all pending callbacks on the mutated element'); |
| |
| |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |