| This tests Symbol property names with a number of named items collections. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| [object HTMLCollection] |
| PASS getElementsByTagNameList.length === 4 is true |
| PASS getElementsByTagNameList[Symbol()] === undefined is true |
| PASS getElementsByTagNameList[Symbol('div')] === undefined is true |
| PASS getElementsByTagNameList['Symbol(div)'] instanceof HTMLDivElement is true |
| |
| [object Window] |
| PASS window[Symbol()] === undefined is true |
| PASS window[Symbol('div')] === undefined is true |
| PASS window['Symbol(div)'] instanceof HTMLDivElement is true |
| |
| [object HTMLCollection] |
| PASS document.images.length === 3 is true |
| PASS document.images[Symbol()] === undefined is true |
| PASS document.images[Symbol('img')] === undefined is true |
| PASS document.images['Symbol(img)'] instanceof HTMLImageElement is true |
| |
| [object HTMLAllCollection] |
| PASS document.all.length > 10 is true |
| PASS document.all[Symbol()] === undefined is true |
| PASS document.all[Symbol('div')] === undefined is true |
| PASS document.all['Symbol(div)'] instanceof HTMLDivElement is true |
| |
| [object HTMLCollection] |
| PASS document.forms[Symbol()] === undefined is true |
| |
| [object HTMLFormElement] |
| PASS document.forms[0][Symbol()] === undefined is true |
| PASS document.forms[0][Symbol('input')] === undefined is true |
| PASS document.forms[0]['Symbol(input)'] instanceof HTMLInputElement is true |
| |