| Test reflecting URL attributes with empty string values. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS testURLReflection('attribute', 'element') is 'none' |
| PASS testURLReflection('id', 'element') is 'non-URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('action', 'form') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('cite', 'blockquote') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('cite', 'del') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('cite', 'ins') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('cite', 'q') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('data', 'object') is 'URL' |
| FAIL testURLReflection('formaction', 'button') should be URL. Was none. |
| FAIL testURLReflection('formaction', 'input') should be URL. Was none. |
| PASS testURLReflection('href', 'a') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('href', 'area') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('href', 'link') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('href', 'base') is 'URL' |
| FAIL testURLReflection('icon', 'command') should be URL. Was none. |
| PASS testURLReflection('manifest', 'html') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('poster', 'video') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'audio') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'embed') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'iframe') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'img') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'input') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'script') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'source') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('src', 'video') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('longDesc', 'img') is 'URL' |
| PASS testURLReflection('lowsrc', 'img') is 'URL' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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