blob: cf1adb98ad85e7a731c6e6f7e19e185ba2528289 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: string
This tests copying HTML markup using dataTransfer.items. To manually test, click on "Copy text" and paste (Command+V on Mac Control+V elsewhere).
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS clipboardData.items.length is 0
PASS clipboardData.setData("text/html", "rock"); clipboardData.items.length is 1
PASS initialItem = clipboardData.items[0]; initialItem.kind is "string"
PASS initialItem.type is "text/html"
PASS initialItem.getAsFile() is null
PASS initialItem.getAsString(checkContent(1, "rock")) is undefined
PASS clipboardData.items.add("paper", "text/HTML") threw exception NotSupportedError: The operation is not supported..
PASS clipboardData.items[0] is initialItem
PASS clipboardData.clearData(); clipboardData.items.length is 0
PASS clipboardData.items.add("<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>", "TEXT/html"); clipboardData.items.length is 1
PASS clipboardData.items[0] is not initialItem
PASS initialItem.kind is "string"
PASS initialItem.type is ""
PASS initialItem.getAsFile() is null
PASS initialItem.getAsString(() => testFailed("getAsString should exit immeidately if item is disabled 1")) is undefined
PASS clipboardData.getData("text/html") is "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>"
PASS clipboardData.getData("text/plain") is ""
PASS firstItem = clipboardData.items[0]; clipboardData.items[0].kind is "string"
PASS firstItem.type is "text/html"
PASS firstItem.getAsFile() is null
PASS firstItem.getAsString(checkContent(2, "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>")) is undefined
PASS secondItem = clipboardData.items.add("some content", "text/plain"); secondItem is clipboardData.items[1]
PASS clipboardData.getData("text/plain") is "some content"
PASS secondItem.kind is "string"
PASS secondItem.type is "text/plain"
PASS secondItem.getAsFile() is null
PASS secondItem.getAsString(checkContent(3, "some content")) is undefined
PASS clipboardData.items[0] is firstItem
PASS firstItem.kind is "string"
PASS firstItem.type is "text/html"
PASS clipboardData.getData("text/html") is "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>"
PASS firstItem.getAsString(checkContent(4, "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>")) is undefined
PASS clipboardData.items.remove(0); clipboardData.items.length is 1
PASS clipboardData.items[0] is secondItem
PASS actualContent1 is "rock"
PASS actualContent2 is "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>"
PASS actualContent3 is "some content"
PASS actualContent4 is "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- hello --><script>alert('Test failed');</script>"
PASS successfullyParsed is true