blob: 583e976ba6552d31a7d68e119c76fa6884ac03ae [file] [log] [blame]
* File Name: exception-006
* ECMA Section:
* Description: Tests for JavaScript Standard Exceptions
* ToPrimitive error.
* Author:
* Date: 31 August 1998
var SECTION = "exception-006";
var VERSION = "js1_4";
var TITLE = "Tests for JavaScript Standard Exceptions: TypeError";
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);
var tc = 0;
var testcases = new Array();
* Getting the [[DefaultValue]] of any instances of MyObject
* should result in a runtime error in ToPrimitive.
function MyObject() {
this.toString = void 0;
this.valueOf = void 0;
function ToPrimitive_1() {
result = "failed: no exception thrown";
exception = null;
try {
result = new MyObject() + new MyObject();
} catch ( e ) {
result = "passed: threw exception",
exception = e.toString();
} finally {
testcases[tc++] = new TestCase(
"new MyObject() + new MyObject() [ exception is " + exception +" ]",
"passed: threw exception",
result );