blob: e59fe927ca52a2bf2d40d80534114fbe1e055ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
var sf0 = SIMD.Uint32x4(1, -2, 3, 0);
var sf1 = SIMD.Uint32x4(1, -2, 3, 0);
var sf2 = SIMD.Uint32x4(1, -2, 13, 0);
var sf3 = SIMD.Uint32x4(0, Infinity, NaN, -0);
function testConstructor()
equal("object", typeof SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype);
equal("function", typeof SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.constructor);
equal("function", typeof SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toString);
equal("function", typeof SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString);
equal("function", typeof SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.valueOf);
equal(SIMD.Uint32x4, SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.constructor);
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4, 'prototype');
equal(false, descriptor.writable);
equal(false, descriptor.enumerable);
equal(false, descriptor.configurable);
function testToStringTag()
//SIMDConstructor.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
var sym = Symbol('sym');
var symbol_object = Object(sym);
equal("SIMD.Uint32x4", SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]);
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag);
equal(false, descriptor.writable);
equal(false, descriptor.enumerable);
equal(true, descriptor.configurable);
function testToPrimitive()
//SIMDConstructor.prototype [ @@toPrimitive ]
equal("function",typeof SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive]);
equal(1, SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive].length);
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype, Symbol.toPrimitive);
equal(false, descriptor.writable);
equal(false, descriptor.enumerable);
equal(true, descriptor.configurable);
var functionToString = SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive].toString();
var actualName = functionToString.substring(9, functionToString.indexOf('('));
//Overriding @@ToPrimitive
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = undefined;
var G;
var functionBackup = SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString;
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString = function(){
G = this;
try{var x = G + G;}
{equal("Error: Number expected", e);} //@@toPrimitive is not writable
//@@toPrimitive is configurable.
memberBackup = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype, Symbol.toPrimitive);
delete SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive];
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() { return 1;}
equal(2, G + G);
equal(0, G - G);
equal(1, G * G);
equal(1, G / G);
equal(true, G == G);
equal(true, G === G);
equal(false, G > G);
equal(true, G >= G);
equal(false, G < G);
equal(true, G >= G);
delete SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive];
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() { return undefined;}
equal(NaN, G + G);
equal(NaN, G - G);
equal(NaN, G * G);
equal(NaN, G / G);
equal(true, G == G);
equal(true, G === G);
equal(false, G > G);
equal(false, G >= G);
equal(false, G < G);
equal(false, G >= G);
delete SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive];
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() { return "test";}
equal("testtest", G + G);
equal(NaN, G - G);
equal(NaN, G * G);
equal(NaN, G / G);
equal(true, G == G);
equal(true, G === G);
equal(false, G > G);
equal(true, G >= G);
equal(false, G < G);
equal(true, G >= G);
delete SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive];
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = 5;
try{var x = G + G;}
{equal("TypeError: The value of the property 'Symbol.toPrimitive' is not a Function object", e);}
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = memberBackup;
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString = functionBackup
function testValueOf()
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype, 'valueOf');
equal(true, descriptor.writable);
equal(false, descriptor.enumerable);
equal(true, descriptor.configurable);
equal("uint32x4", typeof sf0.valueOf());
equal("SIMD.Uint32x4(1, 4294967294, 3, 0)",sf0.valueOf().toString());
function testToString_LocaleString()
//ToString / ToLocaleString
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype, 'toString');
equal(true, descriptor.writable);
equal(false, descriptor.enumerable);
equal(true, descriptor.configurable);
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype, 'toLocaleString');
equal(true, descriptor.writable);
equal(false, descriptor.enumerable);
equal(true, descriptor.configurable);
equal("SIMD.Uint32x4(1, 4294967294, 3, 0)", sf0.toString()); //If float use ToString on lanes, the right values will be available.
equal("SIMD.Uint32x4(1, 4,294,967,294, 3, 0)", sf0.toLocaleString());
equal("SIMD.Uint32x4(0, 0, 0, 0)", sf3.toString());
// equal("SIMD.Uint32x4(0, ?, NaN, 0)", sf3.toLocaleString()); //How should this work?
var functionBackup = SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString;
var G5;
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString = function() {
G5 = this;
equal("undefined", typeof(G5));
equal("NEWTOSTRING", sf0.toLocaleString());
equal("object", typeof(G5));
equal("NEWTOSTRING", G5.toLocaleString());
equal("NEWTOSTRING", sf0.toLocaleString());
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toLocaleString = functionBackup;
//PrototypeLinking toString
functionBackup = SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toString;
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toString = function() {
G = this;
equal("undefined", typeof(G));
equal("NEWTOSTRING", sf0.toString());
equal("object", typeof(G));
equal("NEWTOSTRING", G.toString());
equal("NEWTOSTRING", sf0.toString());
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toString = functionBackup;
function testProtoLinking()
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.myToString = function() {
return "MYTOSTRING";
equal("MYTOSTRING", sf0.myToString());
equal("MYTOSTRING", G.myToString());
//PrototypeLinking valueOf
var functionBackup = SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.valueOf;
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.valueOf = function() {
G1 = this;
return "NEWVALUEOF";
var G1;
equal("undefined", typeof(G1));
equal("NEWVALUEOF", sf0.valueOf());
equal("object", typeof(G1));
equal("NEWVALUEOF", G1.valueOf());
equal("NEWVALUEOF", sf0.valueOf());
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.valueOf = functionBackup;
function testValueSemantics()
//Value semantics
equal(true, (sf0 == sf0));
equal(true, (sf0 === sf0));
equal(true, (sf0 == sf1));
equal(true, (sf0 === sf1));
equal(false, (sf0 == sf2));
equal(false, (sf0 === sf2));
try{var x = sf0 > sf1;}
{equal("TypeError: SIMD type: cannot be converted to a number", e);}
try{var x = sf0 < sf1;}
{equal("TypeError: SIMD type: cannot be converted to a number", e);}
try{var x = sf0 >= sf1;}
{equal("TypeError: SIMD type: cannot be converted to a number", e);}
try{var x = sf0 <= sf1;}
{equal("TypeError: SIMD type: cannot be converted to a number", e);}
//Arithmetic operators
equal("SIMD.Uint32x4(0, 0, 0, 0)test", sf3 + "test");
equal("testSIMD.Uint32x4(0, 0, 0, 0)", "test" + sf3);
try{var x = sf3 + sf3;}
{equal("Error: Number expected", e);} //Check
try{var x = sf3 - sf3;}
{equal("Error: Number expected", e);}
try{var x = sf3 / sf3;}
{equal("Error: Number expected", e);}
try{var x = sf3 * sf3;}
{equal("Error: Number expected", e);}
function testUseCase1()
var f4val = SIMD.Uint32x4(0, 1, 2, -3);
SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.horizontalSum = function()
var value = this.valueOf();
var sum = SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane(value, 0) +
SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane(value, 1) +
SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane(value, 2) +
SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane(value, 3);
return sum;
equal(4294967296, f4val.horizontalSum());
function testWrapperObject()