| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
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| <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| <title>Resource Timing - Serialization</title> |
| <link rel="help" href="http://yoavweiss.github.io/resource-timing/#performanceresourcetiming"> |
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| <h1>Resource Timing: Serialization</h1> |
| <div id="log"></div> |
| <script> |
| test(function(t) { |
| assert_true(typeof PerformanceResourceTiming.prototype.toJSON === "function", "PerformanceResourceTiming has toJSON serializer"); |
| |
| let entries = performance.getEntriesByType("resource"); |
| let serializedEntries = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entries)); |
| |
| assert_true(serializedEntries instanceof Array, "JSON.stringify and JSON.parse should have produced an object"); |
| assert_greater_than_equal(serializedEntries.length, 2, "serialization should have serialized all entries"); |
| |
| let entry = entries[0]; |
| let serializedEntry = serializedEntries[0]; |
| |
| let properties = new Map([ |
| ["name", "string"], |
| ["entryType", "string"], |
| ["startTime", "number"], |
| ["duration", "number"], |
| ["initiatorType", "string"], |
| ["nextHopProtocol", "string"], |
| ["workerStart", "number"], |
| ["redirectStart", "number"], |
| ["redirectEnd", "number"], |
| ["fetchStart", "number"], |
| ["domainLookupStart", "number"], |
| ["domainLookupEnd", "number"], |
| ["connectStart", "number"], |
| ["connectEnd", "number"], |
| ["secureConnectionStart", "number"], |
| ["requestStart", "number"], |
| ["responseStart", "number"], |
| ["responseEnd", "number"], |
| ["transferSize", "number"], |
| ["encodedBodySize", "number"], |
| ["decodedBodySize", "number"], |
| ]); |
| |
| let count = 0; |
| for (let [property, type] of properties) { |
| if (property in entry) { |
| assert_true(property in serializedEntry, `readonly property '${property}' should have been serialized`); |
| assert_equals(typeof serializedEntry[property], type, `property '${property}' had unexpected serialized type`); |
| count++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| assert_true(count >= 7, "more properties should have been serialized"); |
| }); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |