| Tests document.all |
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| PASS document.all's index getter returns all the elements in document order |
| PASS document.all's index getter returns undefined for indexes greater than length |
| PASS document.all's index getter returns undefined for indexes less than zero |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for a |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for applet |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for button |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for embed |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for form |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for frame |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for frameset |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for iframe |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for img |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for input |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for map |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for meta |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for object |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for select |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing works for textarea |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing doesn't work for div |
| PASS document.all's name attribute accessing doesn't work for span |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for a |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for applet |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for button |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for embed |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for form |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for frame |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for frameset |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for iframe |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for img |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for input |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for map |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for meta |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for object |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for select |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for textarea |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for div |
| PASS document.all's id attribute accessing works for span |
| PASS document.all will return a sub-collection if the name/id is found more than once |
| PASS document.all will return a sub-collection if the name/id is found more than once, but still adheres to the rules about what tags can have names |
| PASS document.all will return a sub-collection if the name/id is found more than once, that is live |
| PASS document.all's namedItem function requires passing an argument |
| PASS document.all's item function and legacy caller functionality allow passing no arguments |
| PASS document.all's item function and legacy caller functionality will try to convert their DOMString argument to an index before name lookup |
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