blob: 65c775268225429e44b20b7102c99d2f99e4ddb7 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS addTrack() without setLocalDescription() yields track stats
FAIL addTrack() without setLocalDescription() yields media stream stats assert_true: Has stats for stream expected true got false
PASS addTrack() with setLocalDescription() yields track stats
FAIL addTrack() with setLocalDescription() yields media stream stats assert_true: Has stats for stream expected true got false
FAIL addTrack(): Media stream stats references track stats assert_true: Has stats for track and stream expected true got false
FAIL Media stream stats references track stats assert_true: Has stats for track and stream expected true got false
PASS O/A exchange yields outbound RTP stream stats for sending track
PASS O/A exchange yields inbound RTP stream stats for receiving track
FAIL replaceTrack() before offer: new track attachment stats present assert_true: Has stats for replaced track expected true got false
FAIL replaceTrack() after offer, before answer: new track attachment stats present assert_true: Has stats for replaced track expected true got false
FAIL replaceTrack() after answer: new track attachment stats present assert_true: Has stats for replaced track expected true got false
FAIL replaceTrack(): original track attachment stats present after replacing assert_true: expected true got undefined
PASS RTCRtpSender.getStats() contains only outbound-rtp and related stats
PASS RTCRtpReceiver.getStats() contains only inbound-rtp and related stats
PASS RTCPeerConnection.getStats(sendingTrack) is the same as RTCRtpSender.getStats()
PASS RTCPeerConnection.getStats(receivingTrack) is the same as RTCRtpReceiver.getStats()
FAIL RTCPeerConnection.getStats(track) throws InvalidAccessError when there are zero senders or receivers for the track assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL RTCPeerConnection.getStats(track) throws InvalidAccessError when there are multiple senders for the track assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code