blob: b70402da308134c9c79da863943a8ddf494fed9c [file] [log] [blame]
main frame - didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
main frame - didCommitLoadForFrame
main frame - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
main frame - willPerformClientRedirectToURL:
main frame - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
main frame - didFinishLoadForFrame
main frame - didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
main frame - didCancelClientRedirectForFrame
main frame - didCommitLoadForFrame
main frame - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
main frame - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
main frame - didFinishLoadForFrame
This test is for rdar://problem/6727495.
It loads a page with some image resources, then reloads itself. When the page is reloaded, the image resources are revalidated and then some javascript is run as a result.
In Safari, that javascript opened a modal dialog which spun up an inner run loop which caused a Loader::Host that was currently in the middle of a resource load delegate callback to be deleted.
If you do not crash, you pass.