blob: ce557c925d9340e921ad362a01b0107fe6cf4bfb [file] [log] [blame]
var counter = 0;
onmessage = function(e) {
if ( !== "start")
var promise1 = fetch("/misc/resources/").then(() => {
postMessage("FAIL: promise 1 resolved");
}, () => {
postMessage("FAIL: promise 1 rejected");
var stream = new ReadableStream({"start": function(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array(1));
// Not closing the stream so that below promise will not fulfill.
var promise2 = new Response(stream).text().then(() => {
postMessage("FAIL: promise 2 resolved");
}, () => {
postMessage("FAIL: promise 2 rejected");
var promise3 = new Request("test", {method: "POST", body: new Blob(["ab"])}).text().then(() => {
// Not posting message as it could make the test flaky since we are not sure the test will end before the blob load finishes.
}, () => {
postMessage("FAIL: promise 3 rejected");