blob: 95d284c4b72b817bb8f252b25d84bde11b6bd5da [file] [log] [blame]
import pytest
from import assert_move_to_coordinates, get_center
from import get_events, filter_dict
from import inline
from import wait
def link_doc(dest):
content = "<a href=\"{}\" id=\"link\">destination</a>".format(dest)
return inline(content)
# TODO use pytest.approx once we upgrade to pytest > 3.0
def approx(n, m, tolerance=1):
return abs(n - m) <= tolerance
def test_click_at_coordinates(session, test_actions_page, mouse_chain):
div_point = {
"x": 82,
"y": 187,
mouse_chain \
.pointer_move(div_point["x"], div_point["y"], duration=1000) \
.click() \
events = get_events(session)
assert len(events) == 4
assert_move_to_coordinates(div_point, "outer", events)
for e in events:
if e["type"] != "mousedown":
assert e["buttons"] == 0
assert e["button"] == 0
expected = [
{"type": "mousedown", "buttons": 1},
{"type": "mouseup", "buttons": 0},
{"type": "click", "buttons": 0},
filtered_events = [filter_dict(e, expected[0]) for e in events]
assert expected == filtered_events[1:]
def test_context_menu_at_coordinates(session, test_actions_page, mouse_chain):
div_point = {
"x": 82,
"y": 187,
mouse_chain \
.pointer_move(div_point["x"], div_point["y"]) \
.pointer_down(button=2) \
.pointer_up(button=2) \
events = get_events(session)
expected = [
{"type": "mousedown", "button": 2},
{"type": "contextmenu", "button": 2},
assert len(events) == 4
filtered_events = [filter_dict(e, expected[0]) for e in events]
mousedown_contextmenu_events = [
x for x in filtered_events
if x["type"] in ["mousedown", "contextmenu"]
assert expected == mousedown_contextmenu_events
def test_click_element_center(session, test_actions_page, mouse_chain):
outer = session.find.css("#outer", all=False)
center = get_center(outer.rect)
events = get_events(session)
assert len(events) == 4
event_types = [e["type"] for e in events]
assert ["mousemove", "mousedown", "mouseup", "click"] == event_types
for e in events:
if e["type"] != "mousemove":
assert approx(e["pageX"], center["x"])
assert approx(e["pageY"], center["y"])
assert e["target"] == "outer"
def test_click_navigation(session, url, release_actions):
destination = url("/webdriver/tests/actions/support/test_actions_wdspec.html")
start = link_doc(destination)
def click(link):
mouse_chain = session.actions.sequence(
"pointer", "pointer_id", {"pointerType": "mouse"})
session.url = start
error_message = "Did not navigate to %s" % destination
click(session.find.css("#link", all=False))
wait(session, lambda s: s.url == destination, error_message)
# repeat steps to check behaviour after document unload
session.url = start
click(session.find.css("#link", all=False))
wait(session, lambda s: s.url == destination, error_message)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("drag_duration", [0, 300, 800])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dx, dy",
[(20, 0), (0, 15), (10, 15), (-20, 0), (10, -15), (-10, -15)])
def test_drag_and_drop(session,
drag_target = session.find.css("#dragTarget", all=False)
initial_rect = drag_target.rect
initial_center = get_center(initial_rect)
# Conclude chain with extra move to allow time for last queued
# coordinate-update of drag_target and to test that drag_target is "dropped".
mouse_chain \
.pointer_move(0, 0, origin=drag_target) \
.pointer_down() \
.pointer_move(dx, dy, duration=drag_duration, origin="pointer") \
.pointer_up() \
.pointer_move(80, 50, duration=100, origin="pointer") \
# mouseup that ends the drag is at the expected destination
e = get_events(session)[1]
assert e["type"] == "mouseup"
assert approx(e["pageX"], initial_center["x"] + dx)
assert approx(e["pageY"], initial_center["y"] + dy)
# check resulting location of the dragged element
final_rect = drag_target.rect
assert initial_rect["x"] + dx == final_rect["x"]
assert initial_rect["y"] + dy == final_rect["y"]