blob: 84ff4e02b3a7d59313e739974b9bd89017eef769 [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../../resources/webgl_test_files/deqp/functional/gles3/textureformat/unsized_2d_array.html
[ 1: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.alpha_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 2: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.alpha_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 3: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.luminance_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 4: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.luminance_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 5: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.luminance_alpha_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 6: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.luminance_alpha_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 7: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgb_unsigned_short_5_6_5_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 8: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgb_unsigned_short_5_6_5_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 9: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgb_unsigned_byte_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 10: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgb_unsigned_byte_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 11: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgba_unsigned_short_4_4_4_4_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 12: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgba_unsigned_short_4_4_4_4_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 13: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgba_unsigned_short_5_5_5_1_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 14: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgba_unsigned_short_5_5_5_1_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 15: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgba_unsigned_byte_2d_array_pot: Texture upload failed
[ 16: FAIL ] texture_format.unsized.rgba_unsigned_byte_2d_array_npot: Texture upload failed
[ 17: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 16 failures reported