blob: 18bc6474720c0d612f40e72bde8685b370b40cf4 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Fetch with GET
PASS Fetch with HEAD
PASS Fetch with PUT without body
PASS Fetch with PUT with body
PASS Fetch with POST without body
PASS Fetch with POST with text body
PASS Fetch with POST with FormData body
PASS Fetch with POST with URLSearchParams body
PASS Fetch with POST with Blob body
PASS Fetch with POST with ArrayBuffer body
PASS Fetch with POST with Uint8Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with Int8Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with Float32Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with Float64Array body
PASS Fetch with POST with DataView body
PASS Fetch with POST with Blob body with mime type
PASS Fetch with Chicken
PASS Fetch with Chicken with body
PASS Fetch with GET and mode "cors" does not need an Origin header
PASS Fetch with POST and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header
PASS Fetch with POST and mode "no-cors" needs an Origin header
PASS Fetch with PUT and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header
PASS Fetch with TacO and mode "same-origin" needs an Origin header
PASS Fetch with TacO and mode "cors" needs an Origin header