blob: 42a52480b4f68338397b42eb57b6814962c6ce3a [file] [log] [blame]
header('Set-Cookie: db_cookie = https_cookie; expires=Thu, 12-Apr-2312 08:32:29 GMT;');
echo 'Test updating of cookies\' database. It is for<br>';
echo 'To run this test, http-cookie-database-set.php must be served over http and http-cookie-database-update.php must be served over https.<br>';
echo 'Test steps:<br>';
echo '1. Load http-cookie-database-set.php. (If you load http-cookie-database-update.php directly in this step, please clear cookies and load http-cookie-database-set.php to finish this step.<br>';
echo '2. Restart the browser and load http-cookie-database-set.php again to see the result.<br>';