| This test setting various attributes of a elements to JavaScript null. |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was null. [tested Node.nodeValue] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was null. [tested Node.prefix] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested Node.textContent] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.title] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.id] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.lang] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.dir] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.className] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.innerHTML] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLElement.innerText] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: Exception (Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12) was thrown as expected. [tested HTMLElement.contentEditable] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.charset] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.coords] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.href] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.hreflang] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.rel] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.rev] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.shape] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.target] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAnchorElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.alt] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.archive] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.code] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.codeBase] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.height] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.hspace] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.object] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.vspace] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAppletElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAreaElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAreaElement.alt] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAreaElement.coords] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAreaElement.href] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAreaElement.shape] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLAreaElement.target] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBaseElement.href] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBaseElement.target] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBaseFontElement.color] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBaseFontElement.face] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBlockquoteElement.cite] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBodyElement.aLink] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBodyElement.background] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBodyElement.bgColor] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBodyElement.link] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBodyElement.text] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBodyElement.vLink] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLBRElement.clear] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLButtonElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLButtonElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLButtonElement.value] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLDivElement.align] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLEmbedElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLEmbedElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLEmbedElement.src] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLEmbedElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFontElement.color] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFontElement.face] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFontElement.size] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFormElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFormElement.acceptCharset] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFormElement.action] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. [tested HTMLFormElement.encoding] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. [tested HTMLFormElement.enctype] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'get'. [tested HTMLFormElement.method] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFormElement.target] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.frameBorder] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.longDesc] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.marginHeight] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.marginWidth] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.scrolling] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.src] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameElement.location] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameSetElement.cols] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLFrameSetElement.rows] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLHeadElement.profile] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLHeadingElement.align] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLHRElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLHRElement.size] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLHRElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLHtmlElement.version] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.frameBorder] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.height] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.longDesc] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.marginHeight] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.marginWidth] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.scrolling] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.src] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIFrameElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.alt] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.border] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.longDesc] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.src] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.useMap] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLImageElement.lowsrc] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.accept] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.alt] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.defaultValue] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.src] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'text'. [tested HTMLInputElement.type] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.useMap] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLInputElement.value] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLIsIndexElement.prompt] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLabelElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLabelElement.htmlFor] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLegendElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLegendElement.align] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLIElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.charset] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.href] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.hreflang] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.media] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.rel] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.rev] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.target] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLLinkElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLMapElement.name] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLMetaElement.content] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLMetaElement.httpEquiv] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLMetaElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLMetaElement.scheme] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLModElement.cite] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLModElement.dateTime] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.code] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.archive] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.border] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.codeBase] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.codeType] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.data] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.height] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.standby] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.type] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.useMap] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLObjectElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLOListElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLOptGroupElement.label] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'null'. [tested HTMLOptionElement.text] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'null'. [tested HTMLOptionElement.label] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'null'. [tested HTMLOptionElement.value] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLParagraphElement.align] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLParamElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLParamElement.type] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLParamElement.value] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLParamElement.valueType] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLQuoteElement.cite] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLScriptElement.text] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLScriptElement.htmlFor] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLScriptElement.event] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLScriptElement.charset] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLScriptElement.src] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLScriptElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLSelectElement.value] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLSelectElement.name] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLStyleElement.media] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLStyleElement.type] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCaptionElement.align] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.abbr] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.axis] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.bgColor] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.ch] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.chOff] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.headers] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.height] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.scope] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.vAlign] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableCellElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableColElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableColElement.ch] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableColElement.chOff] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableColElement.vAlign] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableColElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.bgColor] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.border] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.cellPadding] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.cellSpacing] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.frame] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.rules] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.summary] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableElement.width] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableRowElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableRowElement.bgColor] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableRowElement.ch] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableRowElement.chOff] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableRowElement.vAlign] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableSectionElement.align] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableSectionElement.ch] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableSectionElement.chOff] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTableSectionElement.vAlign] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTextAreaElement.defaultValue] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTextAreaElement.accessKey] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTextAreaElement.name] |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTextAreaElement.value] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLTitleElement.text] |
| |
| TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the empty string. [tested HTMLUListElement.type] |
| |
| |