| Test URL segmentation |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS segments('http://user:pass@foo:21/bar;par?b#c') is '["http:","foo","21","/bar;par","?b","#c"]' |
| PASS segments('http:foo.com') is '["http:","foo.com","0","/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('\t :foo.com \n') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(' foo.com ') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('a:\t foo.com') is '["a:","","0"," foo.com","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('http://f:21/ b ? d # e ') should be ["http:","f","21","/%20b%20","?%20d%20","# e"]. Was ["http:","f","21","/ b ","?%20d%20","# e"]. |
| PASS segments('http://f:/c') is '["http:","f","0","/c","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://f:0/c') is '["http:","f","0","/c","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://f:00000000000000/c') is '["http:","f","0","/c","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('http://f:00000000000000000000080/c') should be ["http:","f","0","/c","",""]. Was ["http:","f","80","/c","",""]. |
| PASS segments('http://f:b/c') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://f: /c') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://f:\n/c') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://f:fifty-two/c') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('http://f:999999/c') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["http:","f","65535","/c","",""]. |
| PASS segments('http://f: 21 / b ? d # e ') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('') should be ["data:","","0","text/plain,baseURL","",""]. Was [":","","0","","",""]. |
| FAIL segments(' \t') should be ["data:","","0","text/plain,baseURL","",""]. Was [":","","0","","",""]. |
| PASS segments(':foo.com/') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':foo.com\\') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':a') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':/') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':\\') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':#') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('#') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["data:","","0","text/plain,baseURL","",""]. |
| FAIL segments('#/') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["data:","","0","text/plain,baseURL","","#/"]. |
| FAIL segments('#\\') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["data:","","0","text/plain,baseURL","","#\\"]. |
| FAIL segments('#;?') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["data:","","0","text/plain,baseURL","","#;?"]. |
| PASS segments('?') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('/') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments(':23') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('/:23') should be ["data:","","0","/:23","",""]. Was [":","","0","","",""]. |
| PASS segments('//') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('::') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('::23') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('foo://') is '["foo:","","0","//","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://a:b@c:29/d') is '["http:","c","29","/d","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http::@c:29') is '["http:","c","29","/","",""]' |
| FAIL segments('http://&a:foo(b]c@d:2/') should be ["http:","d","2","/","",""]. Was [":","","0","","",""]. |
| FAIL segments('http://::@c@d:2') should be ["http:","d","2","/","",""]. Was [":","","0","","",""]. |
| PASS segments('http://foo.com:b@d/') is '["http:","d","0","/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://foo.com/\\@') is '["http:","foo.com","0","//@","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http:\\\\foo.com\\') is '["http:","foo.com","0","/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http:\\\\a\\b:c\\d@foo.com\\') is '["http:","a","0","/b:c/d@foo.com/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('foo:/') is '["foo:","","0","/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('foo:/bar.com/') is '["foo:","","0","/bar.com/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('foo://///////') is '["foo:","","0","/////////","",""]' |
| PASS segments('foo://///////bar.com/') is '["foo:","","0","/////////bar.com/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('foo:////://///') is '["foo:","","0","////://///","",""]' |
| PASS segments('c:/foo') is '["c:","","0","/foo","",""]' |
| PASS segments('//foo/bar') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://foo/path;a??e#f#g') is '["http:","foo","0","/path;a","??e","#f#g"]' |
| PASS segments('http://foo/abcd?efgh?ijkl') is '["http:","foo","0","/abcd","?efgh?ijkl",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://foo/abcd#foo?bar') is '["http:","foo","0","/abcd","","#foo?bar"]' |
| FAIL segments('[61:24:74]:98') should be ["data:","","0","text/[61:24:74]:98","",""]. Was [":","","0","","",""]. |
| FAIL segments('http://[61:27]:98') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["http:","[61:27]","98","/","",""]. |
| FAIL segments('http:[61:27]/:foo') should be [":","","0","","",""]. Was ["http:","[61:27]","0","/:foo","",""]. |
| PASS segments('http://[1::2]:3:4') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://2001::1') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://[2001::1') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://2001::1]') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://2001::1]:80') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://[2001::1]') is '["http:","[2001::1]","0","/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://[2001::1]:80') is '["http:","[2001::1]","0","/","",""]' |
| PASS segments('http://[[::]]') is '[":","","0","","",""]' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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