blob: 9e390d558574e26214a774efb03c5f42aba9e205 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>This tests the ability to place the caret in an editable div that contains only non editable content</title>
<p>#1 DIV element with a non-editable element only <span style="color:red">align center</span>:</p>
<div style="width:100px;background-color:#cee;text-align: center;" contenteditable="true" id="edit1">
<span contenteditable="false" id="nonedit1">Hello</span>
<p>#2 DIV element with a non-editable element only <span style="color:red">align left</span>:</p>
<div style="width:100px;background-color:#cee;" contenteditable="true" id="edit2"><span contenteditable="false" id="nonedit2">Hello</span></div>
<p>#3 DIV element with a non-editable element only <span style="color:red">align right</span>:</p>
<div style="width:100px;background-color:#cee;text-align: right;" contenteditable="true" id="edit3">
<span contenteditable="false" id="nonedit3">Hello</span></div>
<p>#4 DIV element with two non-editable element<span style="color:red">with padding</span>:</p>
<div style="width:200px;background-color:#cee;" contenteditable="true" id="edit4">
<span contenteditable="false">Hello </span>
<span contenteditable="false" id="nonedit4">World</span>
<p>#5 DIV element empty</p>
<div style="width:100px;background-color:#cee;text-align: center;" contenteditable="true" id="edit5">
<p>#6 non editable DIV element with an editable empty span element</p>
<div id="nonedit6" style="width:100px;background-color:#cee;">
Hello:&nbsp;<span id="edit6" contenteditable="true"> </span>
<ul id="console"></ul>
function log(str) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
var console = document.getElementById("console");
function caretCoordinates()
if (!window.textInputController)
return { x: 0, y :0 };
var caretRect = textInputController.firstRectForCharacterRange(textInputController.selectedRange()[0], 0);
return { x: caretRect[0], y: caretRect[1] };
function runTest(x, y, elem, offset, refpos) {
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(x, y);
var selection = window.getSelection();
var anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;
var anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
var coord = caretCoordinates();
var anchorString = "Anchor (" + anchorNode + ", " + anchorOffset + " caret[" + coord.x + "," + coord.y + "] refpos=" + refpos + ")";
var anchorCorrect = anchorNode == elem && anchorOffset == offset && coord.x == refpos;
if (anchorCorrect)
log(anchorString + " is correct.");
log(anchorString + " is incorrect.");
function automaticTest() {
if (window.layoutTestController) {
var elem;
// the div has text-alignment center
elem = document.getElementById("edit1");
x = elem.offsetLeft + 10;
y = elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2;
runTest(x, y, elem, 0, document.getElementById("nonedit1").offsetLeft);
x = elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth - 10;
runTest(x, y, elem, 3, document.getElementById("nonedit1").offsetLeft + document.getElementById("nonedit1").offsetWidth);
// the div has text-alignment left
elem = document.getElementById("edit2");
x = elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth - 10;
y = elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2;
runTest(x, y, elem, 1, document.getElementById("nonedit2").offsetLeft + document.getElementById("nonedit2").offsetWidth);
x = elem.offsetLeft;
runTest(x, y, elem, 0, document.getElementById("nonedit2").offsetLeft);
// the div has text-alignment right
elem = document.getElementById("edit3");
x = elem.offsetLeft + 10;
y = elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2;
runTest(x, y, elem, 0, document.getElementById("nonedit3").offsetLeft);
// the div contains 2 non editable span
elem = document.getElementById("edit4");
x = document.getElementById("nonedit4").offsetLeft;
y = elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2;
runTest(x, y, elem, 3, document.getElementById("nonedit4").offsetLeft);
// the div is empty
elem = document.getElementById("edit5");
x = elem.offsetLeft;
y = elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2;
runTest(x, y, elem, 0, (elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth)/2 + 4);
// the div is non editable and contains an empty editable span
elem = document.getElementById("edit6");
x = document.getElementById("nonedit6").offsetLeft + document.getElementById("nonedit6").offsetWidth / 2;
y = document.getElementById("nonedit6").offsetTop + document.getElementById("nonedit6").offsetHeight / 2;
runTest(x, y, elem, 0, 0);