blob: caf406f16c299659b6b752753ea888378be22983 [file] [log] [blame]
localhost:8000 - didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge - ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeHTTPBasic - Responding with testUser:testPassword
You should load this page at so localhost:8000 is considered a different security origin.
This test loads a py script which demands http authentication, then uses it to redirect to another script in a different origin that shows what authentication headers were sent with the final request.
It does this once each for HTTP 301, 302, 303, and 307 redirects.
If not running under DRT, enter any credentials when asked.
Frame: '<!--frame1-->'
Resource loaded with HTTP authentication username '' and password ''
Frame: '<!--frame2-->'
Resource loaded with HTTP authentication username '' and password ''
Frame: '<!--frame3-->'
Resource loaded with HTTP authentication username '' and password ''
Frame: '<!--frame4-->'
Resource loaded with HTTP authentication username '' and password ''