blob: 120e7c9ec66772ee2df86c8aaac03a4e833bae5b [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Operator dictionary chunk 1 - symmetric assert_approx_equals: Symmetric property for ‖ postfix should be 'true' expected 150.046875 +/- 1 but got 100.046875
PASS Operator dictionary chunk 2 - symmetric
FAIL Operator dictionary chunk 3 - symmetric assert_approx_equals: Symmetric property for ⦀ prefix should be 'true' expected 150.046875 +/- 1 but got 100.046875
PASS Operator dictionary chunk 4 - symmetric
PASS Operator dictionary chunk 5 - symmetric
symmetric for "‖" (postfix):
symmetric for "⦀" (prefix):