blob: 0b01fc047447643d4ed15ab1755eebfd0d4afed0 [file] [log] [blame]
description("basic tests for object literal duplicate properties");
// Ensure basic properties get eliminated by getters.
x = 0;
o = {
foo: x++,
get foo() {return "getter"},
shouldBe("x", "1");
shouldBe("", "'getter'");
// Ensure getters/setters get eliminated by basic properties.
x = 0;
o = {
get foo() {return "getter"},
foo: x++,
shouldBe("x", "1");
shouldBe("", "0");
// Ensure computed properties are eliminated by getters/setters.
x = 0;
o = {
['foo']: x++,
get foo() {return "getter"},
shouldBe("x", "1");
shouldBe("", "'getter'");
// Ensure getters/setters properties are eliminated by computed properties.
x = 0;
o = {
get foo() {return "getter"},
set foo(x) {},
['foo']: x++,
shouldBe("x", "1");
shouldBe("", "0");
// Multiple types and multiple properties.
x = 0;
o = {
get foo() { return "NO"; },
foo: x++,
set test1(x) {},
bar: x++,
get test2() {},
['test3']: x++,
get foo() {return "getter"},
['foo']: x++,
set bar(x) {},
nest: {foo:1, get foo(){}, bar:1, set foo(x){}},
shouldBe("x", "4");
shouldBe("", "3");
shouldBe("", "undefined");
shouldBe("Object.keys(o).join()", "'foo,test1,bar,test2,test3,nest'");
function descriptionString(o, property) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, property);
if (!descriptor)
var string = "";
if (descriptor.value)
string += "value:" + String(descriptor.value) + " ";
if (descriptor.get)
string += "getter:" + typeof descriptor.get + " value:(" + o[property] + ") ";
if (descriptor.set)
string += "setter:" + typeof descriptor.set + " ";
string += "keys:" + Object.keys(o).length + " ";
string += "[";
if (descriptor.enumerable)
string += "E";
if (descriptor.configurable)
string += "C";
if (descriptor.writable)
string += "W";
string += "]";
if (Object.isSealed(o))
string += "[Sealed]";
if (Object.isFrozen(o))
string += "[Frozen]";
if (Object.isExtensible(o))
string += "[Extensible]";
return string;
function runTest(test, expected) {
test = test + "; descriptionString(o, 'foo');";
if (expected) {
shouldBe(test, expected);
shouldBe("'use strict';" + test, expected);
shouldNotThrow("(function(){" + test + "})()");
} else {
shouldThrow("'use strict';" + test);
shouldThrow("(function(){" + test + "})()");
// Basic properties.
debug(""); debug("Basic");
runTest("o = {foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1}; = 2", "'value:2 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}", "'value:3 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, fooo:2, foo:3}", "'value:3 keys:2 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, fooo:2, foo:3}; = 4", "'value:4 keys:2 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, fooo:2, foo:3, bar: 9}", "'value:3 keys:3 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {value:5})", "'value:5 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {get(){return 5}})", "'getter:function value:(5) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; o.__defineGetter__('foo', function(){return 5})", "'getter:function value:(5) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.seal(o);", "'value:3 keys:1 [EW][Sealed]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.seal(o); = 5", "'value:5 keys:1 [EW][Sealed]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.seal(o); Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {value:5})", "'value:5 keys:1 [EW][Sealed]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.seal(o); Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {get(){return 5}})", null);
runTest("o = {foo:1, foo:3}; Object.seal(o); o.__defineGetter__('foo', function(){return 5})");
// Basic properties with Computed properties.
debug(""); debug("Basic + Computed");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, ['foo']:2}", "'value:2 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, foo:2}", "'value:2 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, ['foo']:2, foo:3}", "'value:3 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, foo:2, ['foo']:3}", "'value:3 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, ['foo']:2}", "'value:2 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, ['foo']:2}; = 3", "'value:3 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, ['bar']:2}", "'value:1 keys:2 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, ['bar']:2, foo:3}", "'value:3 keys:2 [ECW][Extensible]'");
// Basic properties with Accessor properties.
debug(""); debug("Basic + Accessor");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {set foo(x){}}", "'setter:function keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 1}, get foo(){return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}}", "'getter:function value:(2) setter:function keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}, get foo(){return 3}}", "'getter:function value:(3) setter:function keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {bar:1, get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}, baz:1}", "'getter:function value:(2) setter:function keys:3 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}}", "'getter:function value:(2) setter:function keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return -1}, foo:2}", "'value:2 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 2}, bar:3}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:2 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return -1}, foo:-1, get foo() {return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {value:5})", "'value:5 keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {get(){return 5}})", "'getter:function value:(5) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; o.__defineGetter__('foo', function(){return 5})", "'getter:function value:(5) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}, set foo(x){}}; Object.seal(o); = 5", "'getter:function value:(3) setter:function keys:1 [E][Sealed][Frozen]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; Object.seal(o);", "'getter:function value:(3) keys:1 [E][Sealed][Frozen]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; Object.seal(o); Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {get(){return 5}})", null);
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; Object.seal(o); Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', {value:5})", null);
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 3}}; Object.seal(o); o.__defineGetter__('foo', function(){return 5})");
// Computed properties with Accessor properties.
debug(""); debug("Computed + Accessor");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, get foo(){return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}}", "'getter:function value:(2) setter:function keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, ['foo']:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}, ['foo']:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, get foo(){return -1}, ['foo']:2}", "'value:2 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, get foo(){return 2}, ['bar']:3}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:2 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:1, get foo(){return -1}, ['foo']:-1, get foo() {return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
// Basic properties, Computed properties, and Accessor properties.
debug(""); debug("Basic + Computed + Accessor");
runTest("o = {foo:1, get foo(){return 2}, ['foo']:3}", "'value:3 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, ['foo']:3, get foo(){return 2}}", "'getter:function value:(2) keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {foo:1, ['foo']:3, get foo(){return 2}, set foo(x){}}", "'getter:function value:(2) setter:function keys:1 [EC][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {['foo']:3, get foo(){return 2}, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, ['foo']:3, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, ['foo']:3, get foo(){return 2}, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {set foo(x){}, ['foo']:3, set foo(x){}, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {set foo(x){}, foo:1, get foo(){return 2}, ['foo']:3}", "'value:3 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
runTest("o = {get foo(){return 2}, get foo(){return 2}, ['foo']:3, foo:1}", "'value:1 keys:1 [ECW][Extensible]'");
// __proto__ duplicates are not allowed.
function runProtoTestShouldThrow(test) {
shouldThrow("'use strict';" + test);
shouldThrow("(function(){" + test + "})()");
function runProtoTestShouldNotThrow(test) {
shouldNotThrow("'use strict';" + test);
shouldNotThrow("(function(){" + test + "})()");
debug(""); debug("Duplicate simple __proto__ attributes are not allowed");
runProtoTestShouldNotThrow("o = {__proto__:null}");
runProtoTestShouldNotThrow("({__proto__:null, ['__proto__']:{}})");
runProtoTestShouldNotThrow("o = {__proto__:null, ['__proto__']:{}}");
runProtoTestShouldNotThrow("o = {__proto__:null, get __proto__(){}}");
runProtoTestShouldNotThrow("var __proto__ = null; o = {__proto__:null, __proto__}");
runProtoTestShouldThrow("({__proto__:[], __proto__:{}})");
runProtoTestShouldThrow("o = {__proto__:null, '__proto__':{}}");
runProtoTestShouldThrow("o = {__proto__:[], __proto__:{}}");
runProtoTestShouldThrow("o = {'__proto__':{}, '__proto__':{}}");
runProtoTestShouldThrow("o = {a:1, __proto__:{}, b:2, ['c']:3, __proto__:{}, d:3}");