blob: 5b8672ea9dc20c1e7b24d65962e2c74fefd3d469 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: Operator x * y returns ToNumber(x) * ToNumber(y)
es5id: 11.5.1_A3_T1.5
description: Type(x) and Type(y) vary between Object object and Function object
if (isNaN({} * function(){return 1}) !== true) {
throw new Test262Error('#1: {} * function(){return 1} === Not-a-Number. Actual: ' + ({} * function(){return 1}));
if (isNaN(function(){return 1} * {}) !== true) {
throw new Test262Error('#2: function(){return 1} * {} === Not-a-Number. Actual: ' + (function(){return 1} * {}));
if (isNaN(function(){return 1} * function(){return 1}) !== true) {
throw new Test262Error('#3: function(){return 1} * function(){return 1} === Not-a-Number. Actual: ' + (function(){return 1} * function(){return 1}));
if (isNaN({} * {}) !== true) {
throw new Test262Error('#4: {} * {} === Not-a-Number. Actual: ' + ({} * {}));