blob: 41f08e330b748d0a152727a38f60cb90fc45b5e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 Richard Gibson. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: >
lastIndex is set to 0 after exhausting the string when global and/or sticky are set.
esid: sec-regexpbuiltinexec
info: |
RegExpBuiltinExec (
_R_: an initialized RegExp instance,
_S_: a String,
1. Let _length_ be the number of code units in _S_.
2. Let _lastIndex_ be ℝ(? ToLength(? Get(_R_, *"lastIndex"*))).
3. Let _flags_ be _R_.[[OriginalFlags]].
4. If _flags_ contains *"g"*, let _global_ be *true*; else let _global_ be *false*.
5. If _flags_ contains *"y"*, let _sticky_ be *true*; else let _sticky_ be *false*.
9. Let _matchSucceeded_ be *false*.
10. Repeat, while _matchSucceeded_ is *false*,
a. If _lastIndex_ > _length_, then
i. If _global_ is *true* or _sticky_ is *true*, then
1. Perform ? Set(_R_, *"lastIndex"*, *+0*<sub>𝔽</sub>, *true*).
ii. Return *null*.
var R_g = /./g, R_y = /./y, R_gy = /./gy;
var S = "test";
var lastIndex;
var bigLastIndexes = [
2**32 + 4,
2**32 + 3,
2**32 + 2,
2**32 + 1,
2**32 - 1,
for ( var i = 0; i < bigLastIndexes.length; i++ ) {
lastIndex = bigLastIndexes[i];
R_g.lastIndex = lastIndex;
R_y.lastIndex = lastIndex;
R_gy.lastIndex = lastIndex;
assert.sameValue(R_g.exec(S), null,
"global RegExp instance must fail to match against '" + S +
"' at lastIndex " + lastIndex);
assert.sameValue(R_y.exec(S), null,
"sticky RegExp instance must fail to match against '" + S +
"' at lastIndex " + lastIndex);
assert.sameValue(R_gy.exec(S), null,
"global sticky RegExp instance must fail to match against '" + S +
"' at lastIndex " + lastIndex);
assert.sameValue(R_g.lastIndex, 0,
"global RegExp instance lastIndex must be reset after " + lastIndex +
" exceeds string length");
assert.sameValue(R_y.lastIndex, 0,
"sticky RegExp instance lastIndex must be reset after " + lastIndex +
" exceeds string length");
assert.sameValue(R_gy.lastIndex, 0,
"global sticky RegExp instance lastIndex must be reset after " + lastIndex +
" exceeds string length");