# | |
# CSS property names | |
# | |
# Some properties are used in khtml, but are not part of CSS. They are used to get | |
# HTML4 compatibilty in the rendering engine. | |
# | |
# Microsoft extensions are documented here: | |
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/css/reference/attributes.asp | |
# | |
-webkit-appearance | |
background-attachment | |
-webkit-background-clip | |
background-color | |
background-image | |
-webkit-background-origin | |
background-position | |
background-position-x | |
background-position-y | |
background-repeat | |
-webkit-background-size | |
-webkit-binding | |
border-collapse | |
-webkit-border-image | |
border-spacing | |
-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing | |
-webkit-border-vertical-spacing | |
-webkit-border-radius | |
-webkit-border-top-left-radius | |
-webkit-border-top-right-radius | |
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius | |
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius | |
border-top-color | |
border-right-color | |
border-bottom-color | |
border-left-color | |
border-top-style | |
border-right-style | |
border-bottom-style | |
border-left-style | |
border-top-width | |
border-right-width | |
border-bottom-width | |
border-left-width | |
bottom | |
-webkit-box-align | |
-webkit-box-direction | |
-webkit-box-flex | |
-webkit-box-flex-group | |
-webkit-box-lines | |
-webkit-box-ordinal-group | |
-webkit-box-orient | |
-webkit-box-pack | |
box-sizing | |
caption-side | |
clear | |
clip | |
color | |
content | |
counter-increment | |
counter-reset | |
cursor | |
direction | |
display | |
empty-cells | |
float | |
font-family | |
font-size | |
-webkit-font-size-delta | |
font-stretch | |
font-style | |
font-variant | |
font-weight | |
height | |
-webkit-highlight | |
left | |
letter-spacing | |
-webkit-line-clamp | |
line-height | |
list-style-image | |
list-style-position | |
list-style-type | |
margin-top | |
margin-right | |
margin-bottom | |
margin-left | |
-webkit-line-break | |
-webkit-margin-collapse | |
-webkit-margin-top-collapse | |
-webkit-margin-bottom-collapse | |
-webkit-margin-start | |
-webkit-marquee | |
-webkit-marquee-direction | |
-webkit-marquee-increment | |
-webkit-marquee-repetition | |
-webkit-marquee-speed | |
-webkit-marquee-style | |
-webkit-match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color | |
max-height | |
max-width | |
min-height | |
min-width | |
-webkit-nbsp-mode | |
opacity | |
orphans | |
outline-color | |
outline-offset | |
outline-style | |
outline-width | |
overflow | |
padding-top | |
padding-right | |
padding-bottom | |
padding-left | |
-webkit-padding-start | |
page | |
page-break-after | |
page-break-before | |
page-break-inside | |
position | |
quotes | |
right | |
size | |
table-layout | |
text-align | |
text-decoration | |
text-indent | |
text-line-through | |
text-line-through-color | |
text-line-through-mode | |
text-line-through-style | |
text-line-through-width | |
text-overflow | |
text-overline | |
text-overline-color | |
text-overline-mode | |
text-overline-style | |
text-overline-width | |
text-shadow | |
text-transform | |
text-underline | |
text-underline-color | |
text-underline-mode | |
text-underline-style | |
text-underline-width | |
resize | |
-webkit-text-size-adjust | |
-webkit-dashboard-region | |
top | |
unicode-bidi | |
-webkit-user-drag | |
-webkit-user-modify | |
-webkit-user-select | |
vertical-align | |
visibility | |
white-space | |
widows | |
width | |
word-wrap | |
word-spacing | |
z-index | |
background | |
border | |
border-color | |
border-style | |
border-top | |
border-right | |
border-bottom | |
border-left | |
border-width | |
font | |
list-style | |
margin | |
outline | |
padding | |
scrollbar-face-color | |
scrollbar-shadow-color | |
scrollbar-highlight-color | |
scrollbar-3dlight-color | |
scrollbar-darkshadow-color | |
scrollbar-track-color | |
scrollbar-arrow-color | |
-webkit-text-decorations-in-effect | |
-webkit-rtl-ordering |