| Test setRangeText() method on common input types. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"password"} |
| |
| setRangeText() with only one parameter. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 5) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.setRangeText('ABCD') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABCD56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 6 |
| element.setRangeText('AB') |
| PASS element.value is "01AB56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.setRangeText('') |
| PASS element.value is "0156789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'select' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 5, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 5, 10, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 1, 2, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0ABC23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('', 1, 9, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "09" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 1 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'start' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 6, 'start') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'end' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 10, 10, 'end') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 13 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 13 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'preserve' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 2) |
| PASS element.value is "0A23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 6 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('AB', 1, 1, 'invalid') |
| PASS element.value is "0AB123456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 3, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A3456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 4, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 4, 6, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123A6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('ABCDEF', 4, 7, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123ABCDEF789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 10 |
| |
| setRangeText() with various start/end values. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 100, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 10 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 8, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234567A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('A', 7, 3) threw exception IndexSizeError (DOM Exception 1): The index is not in the allowed range.. |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"tel"} |
| |
| setRangeText() with only one parameter. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 5) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.setRangeText('ABCD') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABCD56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 6 |
| element.setRangeText('AB') |
| PASS element.value is "01AB56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.setRangeText('') |
| PASS element.value is "0156789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'select' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 5, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 5, 10, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 1, 2, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0ABC23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('', 1, 9, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "09" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 1 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'start' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 6, 'start') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'end' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 10, 10, 'end') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 13 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 13 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'preserve' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 2) |
| PASS element.value is "0A23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 6 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('AB', 1, 1, 'invalid') |
| PASS element.value is "0AB123456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 3, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A3456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 4, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 4, 6, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123A6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('ABCDEF', 4, 7, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123ABCDEF789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 10 |
| |
| setRangeText() with various start/end values. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 100, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 10 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 8, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234567A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('A', 7, 3) threw exception IndexSizeError (DOM Exception 1): The index is not in the allowed range.. |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"text"} |
| |
| setRangeText() with only one parameter. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 5) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.setRangeText('ABCD') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABCD56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 6 |
| element.setRangeText('AB') |
| PASS element.value is "01AB56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.setRangeText('') |
| PASS element.value is "0156789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'select' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 5, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 5, 10, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 1, 2, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0ABC23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('', 1, 9, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "09" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 1 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'start' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 6, 'start') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'end' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 10, 10, 'end') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 13 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 13 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'preserve' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 2) |
| PASS element.value is "0A23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 6 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('AB', 1, 1, 'invalid') |
| PASS element.value is "0AB123456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 3, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A3456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 4, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 4, 6, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123A6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('ABCDEF', 4, 7, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123ABCDEF789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 10 |
| |
| setRangeText() with various start/end values. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 100, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 10 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 8, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234567A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('A', 7, 3) threw exception IndexSizeError (DOM Exception 1): The index is not in the allowed range.. |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"text","dir":"rtl"} |
| |
| setRangeText() with only one parameter. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 5) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.setRangeText('ABCD') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABCD56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 6 |
| element.setRangeText('AB') |
| PASS element.value is "01AB56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.setRangeText('') |
| PASS element.value is "0156789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'select' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 5, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 5, 10, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 1, 2, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0ABC23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('', 1, 9, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "09" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 1 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'start' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 6, 'start') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'end' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 10, 10, 'end') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 13 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 13 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'preserve' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 2) |
| PASS element.value is "0A23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 6 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('AB', 1, 1, 'invalid') |
| PASS element.value is "0AB123456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 3, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A3456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 4, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 4, 6, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123A6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('ABCDEF', 4, 7, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123ABCDEF789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 10 |
| |
| setRangeText() with various start/end values. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 100, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 10 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 8, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234567A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('A', 7, 3) threw exception IndexSizeError (DOM Exception 1): The index is not in the allowed range.. |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"url"} |
| |
| setRangeText() with only one parameter. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 5) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.setRangeText('ABCD') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABCD56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 6 |
| element.setRangeText('AB') |
| PASS element.value is "01AB56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.setRangeText('') |
| PASS element.value is "0156789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'select' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 5, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC56789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 5, 10, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 1, 2, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0ABC23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('', 1, 9, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "09" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 1 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'start' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 2, 6, 'start') |
| PASS element.value is "01ABC6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 2 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'end' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 10, 10, 'end') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789ABC" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 13 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 13 |
| |
| setRangeText() with 'preserve' as the selectMode. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 2) |
| PASS element.value is "0A23456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 6 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('AB', 1, 1, 'invalid') |
| PASS element.value is "0AB123456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(6, 9) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 3, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A3456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 5 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 8 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 1, 4, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0A456789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 1 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 4 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 4, 6, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123A6789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 5 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(2, 6) |
| element.setRangeText('ABCDEF', 4, 7, 'preserve') |
| PASS element.value is "0123ABCDEF789" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 2 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 10 |
| |
| setRangeText() with various start/end values. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 100, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 10 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 11 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setSelectionRange(0, 0) |
| element.setRangeText('A', 8, 100, 'select') |
| PASS element.value is "01234567A" |
| PASS element.selectionStart is 8 |
| PASS element.selectionEnd is 9 |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('A', 7, 3) threw exception IndexSizeError (DOM Exception 1): The index is not in the allowed range.. |
| |
| Check that setRangeText() on disconnected elements doesn't crash and has proper values. |
| element.value = '0123456789' |
| element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0, 'select') |
| FAIL element.value should be ABC0123456789. Was 0123456789. |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"button"} |
| |
| element.value = '0123456789XYZ' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0) threw exception InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state.. |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789XYZ" |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"checkbox"} |
| |
| element.value = '0123456789XYZ' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0) threw exception InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state.. |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789XYZ" |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"email"} |
| |
| element.value = '0123456789XYZ' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0) threw exception InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state.. |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789XYZ" |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"radio"} |
| |
| element.value = '0123456789XYZ' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0) threw exception InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state.. |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789XYZ" |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"reset"} |
| |
| element.value = '0123456789XYZ' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0) threw exception InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state.. |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789XYZ" |
| |
| Running tests on input with attributes: {"type":"submit"} |
| |
| element.value = '0123456789XYZ' |
| PASS element.setRangeText('ABC', 0, 0) threw exception InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state.. |
| PASS element.value is "0123456789XYZ" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |