blob: c8b05a73caeaa85d0881849726ac1f54747224fd [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../resources/webgl_test_files/deqp/functional/gles3/samplerstatequery.html
[ 1: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_wrap_s: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 2: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_wrap_t: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 3: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_wrap_r: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 4: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_mag_filter: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 5: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_min_filter: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 6: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_min_lod: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 7: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_max_lod: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 8: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_compare_mode: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 9: FAIL ] sampler.sampler_texture_compare_func: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 10: PASS ] sampler.sampler_texture_compare_func: successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 9 failures reported