blob: 3c7b32e621c0186b676c84a99a33ca3b9027c256 [file] [log] [blame]
// A point in a plot.
function PerfTestResult(runs, result, associatedBuild) {
this.metric = function () { return runs.metric(); }
this.values = function () { return result.values ? (value) { return runs.scalingFactor() * value; }) : undefined; }
this.mean = function () { return runs.scalingFactor() * result.mean; }
this.unscaledMean = function () { return result.mean; }
this.confidenceIntervalDelta = function () {
return runs.scalingFactor() * this.unscaledConfidenceIntervalDelta();
this.unscaledConfidenceIntervalDelta = function (defaultValue) {
var delta = Statistics.confidenceIntervalDelta(0.95, result.iterationCount, result.sum, result.squareSum);
if (isNaN(delta) && defaultValue !== undefined)
return defaultValue;
return delta;
this.isInUnscaledInterval = function (min, max) {
var mean = this.unscaledMean();
var delta = this.unscaledConfidenceIntervalDelta(0);
return min <= mean - delta && mean + delta <= max;
this.isBetterThan = function(other) { return runs.smallerIsBetter() == (this.mean() < other.mean()); }
this.relativeDifference = function(other) { return (other.mean() - this.mean()) / this.mean(); }
this.formattedRelativeDifference = function (other) { return Math.abs(this.relativeDifference(other) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; }
this.formattedProgressionOrRegression = function (previousResult) {
return previousResult.formattedRelativeDifference(this) + ' ' + (this.isBetterThan(previousResult) ? 'better' : 'worse');
this.isStatisticallySignificant = function (other) {
var diff = Math.abs(other.mean() - this.mean());
return diff > this.confidenceIntervalDelta() && diff > other.confidenceIntervalDelta();
} = function () { return associatedBuild; }
this.label = function (previousResult) {
var mean = this.mean();
var label = mean.toPrecision(4) + ' ' + runs.unit();
var delta = this.confidenceIntervalDelta();
if (delta) {
var percentageStdev = delta * 100 / mean;
label += ' &plusmn; ' + percentageStdev.toFixed(2) + '%';
if (previousResult)
label += ' (' + this.formattedProgressionOrRegression(previousResult) + ')';
return label;
function TestBuild(repositories, builders, platform, rawRun) {
const revisions = rawRun.revisions;
var maxTime = 0;
var revisionCount = 0;
for (var repositoryId in revisions) {
maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, revisions[repositoryId][1]); // Revision is an pair (revision, time)
if (!maxTime)
maxTime = rawRun.buildTime;
maxTime = TestBuild.UTCtoPST(maxTime);
var maxTimeString;
var buildTime = TestBuild.UTCtoPST(rawRun.buildTime);
var buildTimeString;
this.time = function () { return maxTime; }
this.formattedTime = function () {
if (!maxTimeString)
maxTimeString = new Date(maxTime).toISOString().replace('T', ' ').replace(/\.\d+Z$/, '');
return maxTimeString;
this.buildTime = function () { return buildTime; }
this.formattedBuildTime = function () {
if (!buildTimeString)
buildTimeString = new Date(buildTime).toISOString().replace('T', ' ').replace(/\.\d+Z$/, '');
return buildTimeString;
this.builder = function () { return builders[rawRun.builder].name; }
this.buildNumber = function () { return rawRun.buildNumber; }
this.buildUrl = function () {
var builder = builders[rawRun.builder];
var template = builder.buildUrl;
if (!template)
return null;
return template.replace(/\$buildNumber/g, this.buildNumber()).replace(/\$builderName/g,;
this.platform = function () { return platform; }
this.revision = function(repositoryId) { return revisions[repositoryId][0]; }
this.formattedRevisions = function (previousBuild) {
var result = {};
for (var repositoryId in repositories) {
if (!revisions[repositoryId])
var previousRevision = previousBuild ? previousBuild.revision(repositoryId) : undefined;
var currentRevision = this.revision(repositoryId);
if (previousRevision === currentRevision)
previousRevision = undefined;
var revisionPrefix = '';
var revisionDelimiter = '-';
var isHash = false;
if (parseInt(currentRevision) == currentRevision) { // e.g. r12345.
revisionPrefix = 'r';
if (previousRevision)
previousRevision = (parseInt(previousRevision) + 1);
} else if (currentRevision.indexOf(' ') >= 0) // e.g. 10.9 13C64.
revisionDelimiter = ' - ';
else if (currentRevision.length == 40) // e.g. git hash
isHash = true;
var labelForThisRepository;
if (isHash) {
formattedCurrentHash = currentRevision.substring(0, 8);
if (previousRevision)
labelForThisRepository = previousRevision.substring(0, 8) + '..' + formattedCurrentHash;
labelForThisRepository = '@ ' + formattedCurrentHash;
} else {
if (previousRevision)
labelForThisRepository = revisionPrefix + previousRevision + revisionDelimiter + revisionPrefix + currentRevision;
labelForThisRepository = '@ ' + revisionPrefix + currentRevision;
var url;
var repository = repositories[repositoryId];
if (repository) {
if (previousRevision)
url = (repository['blameUrl'] || '').replace(/\$1/g, previousRevision).replace(/\$2/g, currentRevision);
url = (repository['url'] || '').replace(/\$1/g, currentRevision);
result[] = {
'label': labelForThisRepository,
'currentRevision': currentRevision,
'previousRevision': previousRevision,
'url': url,
return result;
TestBuild.UTCtoPST = function (date) {
// Pretend that PST is UTC since vanilla flot doesn't support multiple timezones.
const PSTOffsetInMilliseconds = 8 * 3600 * 1000;
return date - PSTOffsetInMilliseconds;
} = function () { return this.UTCtoPST(; }
// A sequence of test results for a specific test on a specific platform
function PerfTestRuns(metric, platform) {
var results = [];
var cachedUnit = null;
var cachedScalingFactor = null;
var baselines = {};
var suffix ='([A-z][a-z]+|FrameRate)$')[0];
var unit = {'Combined': '', // Assume smaller is better for now.
'FrameRate': 'fps',
'Runs': '/s',
'Time': 'ms',
'Duration': 'ms',
'Malloc': 'B',
'Heap': 'B',
'Allocations': 'B',
'Size': 'B',
'Score': 'pt'}[suffix];
// We can't do this in PerfTestResult because all results for each metric need to share the same unit and the same scaling factor.
function computeScalingFactorIfNeeded() {
// FIXME: We shouldn't be adjusting units on every test result.
// We can only do this on the first test.
if (!results.length || cachedUnit)
var mean = results[0].unscaledMean(); // FIXME: We should look at all values.
var kilo = unit == 'B' ? 1024 : 1000;
if (mean > 2 * kilo * kilo && unit != 'ms') {
cachedScalingFactor = 1 / kilo / kilo;
var unitFirstChar = unit.charAt(0);
cachedUnit = 'M' + (unitFirstChar.toUpperCase() == unitFirstChar ? '' : ' ') + unit;
} else if (mean > 2 * kilo) {
cachedScalingFactor = 1 / kilo;
cachedUnit = unit == 'ms' ? 's' : ('K ' + unit);
} else {
cachedScalingFactor = 1;
cachedUnit = unit;
this.metric = function () { return metric; }
this.platform = function () { return platform; }
this.setResults = function (newResults) {
results = newResults;
cachedUnit = null;
cachedScalingFactor = null;
this.lastResult = function () { return results[results.length - 1]; }
this.resultAt = function (i) { return results[i]; }
var resultsFilterCache;
var resultsFilterCacheMinTime;
function filteredResults(minTime) {
if (!minTime)
return results;
if (resultsFilterCacheMinTime != minTime) {
resultsFilterCache = results.filter(function (result) { return !minTime || >= minTime; });
resultsFilterCacheMinTime = minTime;
return resultsFilterCache;
function unscaledMeansForAllResults(minTime) {
return filteredResults(minTime).map(function (result) { return result.unscaledMean(); });
this.min = function (minTime) {
return this.scalingFactor() * filteredResults(minTime)
.reduce(function (minSoFar, result) { return Math.min(minSoFar, result.unscaledMean() - result.unscaledConfidenceIntervalDelta(0)); }, Number.MAX_VALUE);
this.max = function (minTime, baselineName) {
return this.scalingFactor() * filteredResults(minTime)
.reduce(function (maxSoFar, result) { return Math.max(maxSoFar, result.unscaledMean() + result.unscaledConfidenceIntervalDelta(0)); }, Number.MIN_VALUE);
this.countResults = function (minTime) {
return unscaledMeansForAllResults(minTime).length;
this.countResultsInInterval = function (minTime, min, max) {
var unscaledMin = min / this.scalingFactor();
var unscaledMax = max / this.scalingFactor();
return filteredResults(minTime).reduce(function (count, currentResult) {
return count + (currentResult.isInUnscaledInterval(unscaledMin, unscaledMax) ? 1 : 0); }, 0);
this.sampleStandardDeviation = function (minTime) {
var unscaledMeans = unscaledMeansForAllResults(minTime);
return this.scalingFactor() * Statistics.sampleStandardDeviation(unscaledMeans.length, Statistics.sum(unscaledMeans), Statistics.squareSum(unscaledMeans));
this.exponentialMovingArithmeticMean = function (minTime, alpha) {
var unscaledMeans = unscaledMeansForAllResults(minTime);
if (!unscaledMeans.length)
return NaN;
return this.scalingFactor() * unscaledMeans.reduce(function (movingAverage, currentMean) { return alpha * currentMean + (1 - alpha) * movingAverage; });
this.hasConfidenceInterval = function () { return !isNaN(this.lastResult().unscaledConfidenceIntervalDelta()); }
var meanPlotCache;
this.meanPlotData = function () {
if (!meanPlotCache)
meanPlotCache = (result, index) { return [, result.mean()]; });
return meanPlotCache;
var upperConfidenceCache;
this.upperConfidencePlotData = function () {
if (!upperConfidenceCache) // FIXME: Use the actual confidence interval
upperConfidenceCache = (result, index) { return [, result.mean() + result.confidenceIntervalDelta()]; });
return upperConfidenceCache;
var lowerConfidenceCache;
this.lowerConfidencePlotData = function () {
if (!lowerConfidenceCache) // FIXME: Use the actual confidence interval
lowerConfidenceCache = (result, index) { return [, result.mean() - result.confidenceIntervalDelta()]; });
return lowerConfidenceCache;
this.scalingFactor = function() {
return cachedScalingFactor;
this.unit = function () {
return cachedUnit;
this.smallerIsBetter = function() { return unit == 'ms' || unit == 'B' || unit == ''; }
var URLState = new (function () {
var hash;
var parameters;
var updateTimer;
function parseIfNeeded() {
if (updateTimer || '#' + hash == location.hash)
hash = location.hash.substr(1).replace(/\/+$/, '');
parameters = {};
hash.split(/[&;]/).forEach(function (token) {
var keyValue = token.split('=');
var key = decodeURIComponent(keyValue[0]);
if (key.length)
parameters[key] = decodeURIComponent(keyValue.slice(1).join('='));
function updateHash() {
if (location.hash != hash)
location.hash = hash;
this.get = function (key, defaultValue) {
if (key in parameters)
return parameters[key];
return defaultValue;
function scheduleHashUpdate() {
var newHash = '';
for (key in parameters) {
if (newHash.length)
newHash += '&';
newHash += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(parameters[key]);
hash = newHash;
if (updateTimer)
updateTimer = setTimeout(function () {
updateTimer = undefined;
}, 500);
this.set = function (key, value) {
parameters[key] = value;
this.remove = function (key) {
delete parameters[key];
var watchCallbacks = {};
function onhashchange() {
if ('#' + hash == location.hash)
// Race. If the hash had changed while we're waiting to update, ignore the change.
if (updateTimer) {
updateTimer = undefined;
// FIXME: Consider ignoring URLState.set/remove while notifying callbacks.
var oldParameters = parameters;
var callbacks = [];
var changedStates = [];
for (var key in watchCallbacks) {
if (parameters[key] == oldParameters[key])
for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++)
$(window).bind('hashchange', onhashchange);
// FIXME: Support multiple callbacks on a single key. = function (key, callback) {
watchCallbacks[key] = callback;
function Tooltip(containerParent, className) {
var container;
var self = this;
var hideTimer; // Use setTimeout(~, 0) to workaround the race condition that arises when moving mouse fast.
var previousContent;
function ensureContainer() {
if (container)
container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = className; = 'absolute';
} = function (x, y, content) {
if (hideTimer) {
hideTimer = undefined;
if (previousContent === content) {
previousContent = content;
container.innerHTML = content;
// FIXME: Style specific computation like this one shouldn't be in Tooltip class.
var top = y - $(container).outerHeight() - 15;
if (top < 0) {
top = y + 15;
} else
$(container).offset({left: x - $(container).outerWidth() / 2, top: top});
this.hide = function () {
if (!container)
if (hideTimer)
hideTimer = setTimeout(function () {
previousResult = undefined;
}, 0);
this.remove = function (immediately) {
if (!container)
if (hideTimer)
container = undefined;
previousResult = undefined;
this.toggle = function () {
document.body.appendChild(container); // Toggled tooltip should show up at the top.
this.bindClick = function (callback) {
$(container).bind('click', callback);
this.bindMouseEnter = function (callback) {
$(container).bind('mouseenter', callback);