blob: 5c63b9d343495cd34d15bc29738f9b8bcb0f8739 [file] [log] [blame]
Test basic creation of an ApplePaySession object.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Testing PaymentRequest
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, { }) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.countryCode is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, validRequest()) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.countryCode
SETUP: request = validRequest(); delete request.countryCode;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.countryCode is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.countryCode = 'invalid';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "invalid" is not a valid country code..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.countryCode = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid country code..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.countryCode = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "null" is not a valid country code..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.countryCode = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.countryCode is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.countryCode = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "7" is not a valid country code..
Testing PaymentRequest.currencyCode
SETUP: request = validRequest(); delete request.currencyCode;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.currencyCode is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.currencyCode = 'invalid';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "invalid" is not a valid currency code..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.currencyCode = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid currency code..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.currencyCode = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "null" is not a valid currency code..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.currencyCode = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.currencyCode is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.currencyCode = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "7" is not a valid currency code..
Testing PaymentRequest.supportedNetworks
SETUP: request = validRequest(); delete request.supportedNetworks;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.supportedNetworks is required and must be an instance of sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.supportedNetworks is required and must be an instance of sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: At least one supported network must be provided..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = ['invalidNetwork'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "invalidNetwork" is not a valid payment network..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = ['invalidNetwork', 'visa'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "invalidNetwork" is not a valid payment network..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = ['carteBancaire'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "carteBancaire" is not a valid payment network..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = ['visa', 'visa'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedNetworks = ['vIsa', 'MasterCard', 'JCB'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.merchantCapabilities
SETUP: request = validRequest(); delete request.merchantCapabilities;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.merchantCapabilities is required and must be an instance of sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.merchantCapabilities is required and must be an instance of sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: At least one merchant capability must be provided..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = ['invalidCapability'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = ['invalidCapability', 'supports3DS'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.merchantCapabilities = ['supports3DS', 'supports3DS'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); delete;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member is required and must be an instance of ApplePayLineItem.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member is required and must be an instance of ApplePayLineItem.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label', amount: 'amount' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "amount" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label', amount: '0' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Total amount must be greater than zero..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label', amount: '-10.00' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Total amount must be greater than zero..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label', amount: '10000000000.00' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Total amount is too big..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label', amount: '10.00', type: 'invalid' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); = { label: 'label', amount: '10.00', type: 'pending' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.lineItems
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [{ label: 'label', type: 'pending' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [''];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [null];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [undefined];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [{}];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [{ label: 'label' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [{ label: 'label', amount: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.lineItems = [{ label: 'label', amount: '10.00', type: 'invalid' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
Testing PaymentRequest.requiredBillingContactFields
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = [''];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = [null];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = [undefined];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = [{}];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = ['invalid'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = ['phoneticName'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "phoneticName" is not a valid contact field..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = ['email', 'name', 'phone', 'postalAddress'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = ['email', 'email'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.billingContact
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.billingContact = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.billingContact = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.billingContact = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.billingContact = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.billingContact = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.billingContact = { subLocality: '', subAdministrativeArea: '' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.requiredShippingContactFields
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = [''];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = [null];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = [undefined];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = [{}];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = ['invalid'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = ['phoneticName'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "phoneticName" is not a valid contact field..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = ['email', 'name', 'phone', 'postalAddress'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = ['email', 'email'];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.shippingContact
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingContact = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingContact = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingContact = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingContact = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingContact = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingContact = { subLocality: '', subAdministrativeArea: '' };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.shippingType
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = 'shipping';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = 'delivery';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = 'storePickup';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = 'servicePickup';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = 'invalid';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingType = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
Testing PaymentRequest.shippingMethods
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = 'invalid';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayShippingMethod.amount is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '', }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayShippingMethod.detail is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '', detail: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayShippingMethod.identifier is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '', detail: '', identifier: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayShippingMethod.label is required and must be an instance of DOMString.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '', detail: '', identifier: '', label: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: "" is not a valid amount..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '-1', detail: '', identifier: '', label: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception TypeError: Shipping method amount must be greater than or equal to zero..
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '10.00', detail: '', identifier: '', label: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.shippingMethods = [{ amount: '10.00', detail: '', identifier: '', label: '' }, { amount: '10.00', detail: '', identifier: '', label: '' }];
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
Testing PaymentRequest.applicationData
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = undefined;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = '';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = 'invalid';
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = 7;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = null;
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = { };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) did not throw exception.
SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.applicationData = { toString: function() { throw '"Error in toString"'; } };
PASS new ApplePaySession(2, request) threw exception "Error in toString".
PASS successfullyParsed is true