blob: 55b5289f87bb8a503898aa8f4e0eaffbc19b8500 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#pragma once
#include "CellAttributes.h"
#include "DestructionMode.h"
#include "HeapCell.h"
#include "IterationStatus.h"
#include "SecurityOriginToken.h"
#include "WeakSet.h"
#include <wtf/Atomics.h>
#include <wtf/Bitmap.h>
#include <wtf/HashFunctions.h>
#include <wtf/CountingLock.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
namespace JSC {
class AlignedMemoryAllocator;
class FreeList;
class Heap;
class JSCell;
class BlockDirectory;
class MarkedSpace;
class SlotVisitor;
class Subspace;
typedef uint32_t HeapVersion;
// A marked block is a page-aligned container for heap-allocated objects.
// Objects are allocated within cells of the marked block. For a given
// marked block, all cells have the same size. Objects smaller than the
// cell size may be allocated in the marked block, in which case the
// allocation suffers from internal fragmentation: wasted space whose
// size is equal to the difference between the cell size and the object
// size.
class MarkedBlock {
friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
friend struct VerifyMarked;
class Footer;
class Handle;
friend class Footer;
friend class Handle;
static constexpr size_t atomSize = 16; // bytes
static constexpr size_t blockSize = 16 * KB;
static constexpr size_t blockMask = ~(blockSize - 1); // blockSize must be a power of two.
static constexpr size_t atomsPerBlock = blockSize / atomSize;
static_assert(!(MarkedBlock::atomSize & (MarkedBlock::atomSize - 1)), "MarkedBlock::atomSize must be a power of two.");
static_assert(!(MarkedBlock::blockSize & (MarkedBlock::blockSize - 1)), "MarkedBlock::blockSize must be a power of two.");
struct VoidFunctor {
typedef void ReturnType;
void returnValue() { }
class CountFunctor {
typedef size_t ReturnType;
CountFunctor() : m_count(0) { }
void count(size_t count) const { m_count += count; }
ReturnType returnValue() const { return m_count; }
// FIXME: This is mutable because we're using a functor rather than C++ lambdas.
mutable ReturnType m_count;
class Handle {
friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
friend class MarkedBlock;
friend struct VerifyMarked;
MarkedBlock& block();
MarkedBlock::Footer& blockFooter();
void* cellAlign(void*);
bool isEmpty();
void lastChanceToFinalize();
BlockDirectory* directory() const;
Subspace* subspace() const;
AlignedMemoryAllocator* alignedMemoryAllocator() const;
Heap* heap() const;
inline MarkedSpace* space() const;
VM* vm() const;
WeakSet& weakSet();
enum SweepMode { SweepOnly, SweepToFreeList };
// Sweeping ensures that destructors get called and removes the block from the unswept
// set. Sweeping to free list also removes the block from the empty set, if it was in that
// set. Sweeping with SweepOnly may add this block to the empty set, if the block is found
// to be empty. The free-list being null implies SweepOnly.
// Note that you need to make sure that the empty bit reflects reality. If it's not set
// and the block is freshly created, then we'll make the mistake of running destructors in
// the block. If it's not set and the block has nothing marked, then we'll make the
// mistake of making a pop freelist rather than a bump freelist.
void sweep(FreeList*);
// This is to be called by Subspace.
template<typename DestroyFunc>
void finishSweepKnowingHeapCellType(FreeList*, const DestroyFunc&);
void unsweepWithNoNewlyAllocated();
void zap(const FreeList&);
void shrink();
void visitWeakSet(SlotVisitor&);
void reapWeakSet();
// While allocating from a free list, MarkedBlock temporarily has bogus
// cell liveness data. To restore accurate cell liveness data, call one
// of these functions:
void didConsumeFreeList(); // Call this once you've allocated all the items in the free list.
void stopAllocating(const FreeList&);
void resumeAllocating(FreeList&); // Call this if you canonicalized a block for some non-collection related purpose.
size_t cellSize();
inline unsigned cellsPerBlock();
const CellAttributes& attributes() const;
DestructionMode destruction() const;
bool needsDestruction() const;
HeapCell::Kind cellKind() const;
size_t markCount();
size_t size();
bool isAllocated();
bool isLive(HeapVersion markingVersion, HeapVersion newlyAllocatedVersion, bool isMarking, const HeapCell*);
inline bool isLiveCell(HeapVersion markingVersion, HeapVersion newlyAllocatedVersion, bool isMarking, const void*);
bool isLive(const HeapCell*);
bool isLiveCell(const void*);
bool isFreeListedCell(const void* target) const;
template <typename Functor> IterationStatus forEachCell(const Functor&);
template <typename Functor> inline IterationStatus forEachLiveCell(const Functor&);
template <typename Functor> inline IterationStatus forEachDeadCell(const Functor&);
template <typename Functor> inline IterationStatus forEachMarkedCell(const Functor&);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool areMarksStale();
void assertMarksNotStale();
bool isFreeListed() const { return m_isFreeListed; }
size_t index() const { return m_index; }
void removeFromDirectory();
void didAddToDirectory(BlockDirectory*, size_t index, SecurityOriginToken);
void didRemoveFromDirectory();
void dumpState(PrintStream&);
SecurityOriginToken securityOriginToken() const { return m_securityOriginToken; }
Handle(Heap&, AlignedMemoryAllocator*, void*);
enum SweepDestructionMode { BlockHasNoDestructors, BlockHasDestructors, BlockHasDestructorsAndCollectorIsRunning };
enum ScribbleMode { DontScribble, Scribble };
enum EmptyMode { IsEmpty, NotEmpty };
enum NewlyAllocatedMode { HasNewlyAllocated, DoesNotHaveNewlyAllocated };
enum MarksMode { MarksStale, MarksNotStale };
SweepDestructionMode sweepDestructionMode();
EmptyMode emptyMode();
ScribbleMode scribbleMode();
NewlyAllocatedMode newlyAllocatedMode();
MarksMode marksMode();
template<bool, EmptyMode, SweepMode, SweepDestructionMode, ScribbleMode, NewlyAllocatedMode, MarksMode, typename DestroyFunc>
void specializedSweep(FreeList*, EmptyMode, SweepMode, SweepDestructionMode, ScribbleMode, NewlyAllocatedMode, MarksMode, const DestroyFunc&);
void setIsFreeListed();
MarkedBlock::Handle* m_prev { nullptr };
MarkedBlock::Handle* m_next { nullptr };
size_t m_atomsPerCell { std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() };
size_t m_endAtom { std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() }; // This is a fuzzy end. Always test for < m_endAtom.
CellAttributes m_attributes;
bool m_isFreeListed { false };
AlignedMemoryAllocator* m_alignedMemoryAllocator { nullptr };
BlockDirectory* m_directory { nullptr };
size_t m_index { std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() };
WeakSet m_weakSet;
MarkedBlock* m_block { nullptr };
SecurityOriginToken m_securityOriginToken { 0 };
static constexpr size_t atomAlignmentMask = atomSize - 1;
typedef char Atom[atomSize];
class Footer {
Footer(VM&, Handle&);
friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
friend class MarkedBlock;
Handle& m_handle;
VM* m_vm;
Subspace* m_subspace;
CountingLock m_lock;
// The actual mark count can be computed by doing: m_biasedMarkCount - m_markCountBias. Note
// that this count is racy. It will accurately detect whether or not exactly zero things were
// marked, but if N things got marked, then this may report anything in the range [1, N] (or
// before unbiased, it would be [1 + m_markCountBias, N + m_markCountBias].)
int16_t m_biasedMarkCount;
// We bias the mark count so that if m_biasedMarkCount >= 0 then the block should be retired.
// We go to all this trouble to make marking a bit faster: this way, marking knows when to
// retire a block using a js/jns on m_biasedMarkCount.
// For example, if a block has room for 100 objects and retirement happens whenever 90% are
// live, then m_markCountBias will be -90. This way, when marking begins, this will cause us to
// set m_biasedMarkCount to -90 as well, since:
// m_biasedMarkCount = actualMarkCount + m_markCountBias.
// Marking an object will increment m_biasedMarkCount. Once 90 objects get marked, we will have
// m_biasedMarkCount = 0, which will trigger retirement. In other words, we want to set
// m_markCountBias like so:
// m_markCountBias = -(minMarkedBlockUtilization * cellsPerBlock)
// All of this also means that you can detect if any objects are marked by doing:
// m_biasedMarkCount != m_markCountBias
int16_t m_markCountBias;
HeapVersion m_markingVersion;
HeapVersion m_newlyAllocatedVersion;
Bitmap<atomsPerBlock> m_marks;
Bitmap<atomsPerBlock> m_newlyAllocated;
Footer& footer();
const Footer& footer() const;
static constexpr size_t endAtom = (blockSize - sizeof(Footer)) / atomSize;
static constexpr size_t payloadSize = endAtom * atomSize;
static constexpr size_t footerSize = blockSize - payloadSize;
static_assert(payloadSize == ((blockSize - sizeof(MarkedBlock::Footer)) & ~(atomSize - 1)), "Payload size computed the alternate way should give the same result");
static_assert(footerSize >= minimumDistanceBetweenCellsFromDifferentOrigins, "Footer is not big enough to create the necessary distance between objects from different origins");
static MarkedBlock::Handle* tryCreate(Heap&, AlignedMemoryAllocator*);
Handle& handle();
const Handle& handle() const;
VM* vm() const;
inline Heap* heap() const;
inline MarkedSpace* space() const;
static bool isAtomAligned(const void*);
static MarkedBlock* blockFor(const void*);
size_t atomNumber(const void*);
size_t markCount();
bool isMarked(const void*);
bool isMarked(HeapVersion markingVersion, const void*);
bool isMarked(const void*, Dependency);
bool testAndSetMarked(const void*, Dependency);
bool isAtom(const void*);
void clearMarked(const void*);
bool isNewlyAllocated(const void*);
void setNewlyAllocated(const void*);
void clearNewlyAllocated(const void*);
const Bitmap<atomsPerBlock>& newlyAllocated() const;
HeapVersion newlyAllocatedVersion() const { return footer().m_newlyAllocatedVersion; }
inline bool isNewlyAllocatedStale() const;
inline bool hasAnyNewlyAllocated();
void resetAllocated();
size_t cellSize();
const CellAttributes& attributes() const;
bool hasAnyMarked() const;
void noteMarked();
void assertValidCell(VM&, HeapCell*) const { }
void assertValidCell(VM&, HeapCell*) const;
WeakSet& weakSet();
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool areMarksStale();
bool areMarksStale(HeapVersion markingVersion);
Dependency aboutToMark(HeapVersion markingVersion);
void assertMarksNotStale() { }
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void assertMarksNotStale();
void resetMarks();
bool isMarkedRaw(const void* p);
HeapVersion markingVersion() const { return footer().m_markingVersion; }
const Bitmap<atomsPerBlock>& marks() const;
CountingLock& lock() { return footer().m_lock; }
Subspace* subspace() const { return footer().m_subspace; }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfFooter = endAtom * atomSize;
MarkedBlock(VM&, Handle&);
Atom* atoms();
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void aboutToMarkSlow(HeapVersion markingVersion);
void clearHasAnyMarked();
void noteMarkedSlow();
inline bool marksConveyLivenessDuringMarking(HeapVersion markingVersion);
inline bool marksConveyLivenessDuringMarking(HeapVersion myMarkingVersion, HeapVersion markingVersion);
inline MarkedBlock::Footer& MarkedBlock::footer()
return *bitwise_cast<MarkedBlock::Footer*>(atoms() + endAtom);
inline const MarkedBlock::Footer& MarkedBlock::footer() const
return const_cast<MarkedBlock*>(this)->footer();
inline MarkedBlock::Handle& MarkedBlock::handle()
return footer().m_handle;
inline const MarkedBlock::Handle& MarkedBlock::handle() const
return const_cast<MarkedBlock*>(this)->handle();
inline MarkedBlock& MarkedBlock::Handle::block()
return *m_block;
inline MarkedBlock::Footer& MarkedBlock::Handle::blockFooter()
return block().footer();
inline MarkedBlock::Atom* MarkedBlock::atoms()
return reinterpret_cast<Atom*>(this);
inline bool MarkedBlock::isAtomAligned(const void* p)
return !(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p) & atomAlignmentMask);
inline void* MarkedBlock::Handle::cellAlign(void* p)
uintptr_t base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(block().atoms());
uintptr_t bits = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);
bits -= base;
bits -= bits % cellSize();
bits += base;
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(bits);
inline MarkedBlock* MarkedBlock::blockFor(const void* p)
return reinterpret_cast<MarkedBlock*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p) & blockMask);
inline BlockDirectory* MarkedBlock::Handle::directory() const
return m_directory;
inline AlignedMemoryAllocator* MarkedBlock::Handle::alignedMemoryAllocator() const
return m_alignedMemoryAllocator;
inline Heap* MarkedBlock::Handle::heap() const
return m_weakSet.heap();
inline VM* MarkedBlock::Handle::vm() const
return m_weakSet.vm();
inline VM* MarkedBlock::vm() const
return footer().m_vm;
inline WeakSet& MarkedBlock::Handle::weakSet()
return m_weakSet;
inline WeakSet& MarkedBlock::weakSet()
return handle().weakSet();
inline void MarkedBlock::Handle::shrink()
inline void MarkedBlock::Handle::visitWeakSet(SlotVisitor& visitor)
return m_weakSet.visit(visitor);
inline void MarkedBlock::Handle::reapWeakSet()
inline size_t MarkedBlock::Handle::cellSize()
return m_atomsPerCell * atomSize;
inline size_t MarkedBlock::cellSize()
return handle().cellSize();
inline const CellAttributes& MarkedBlock::Handle::attributes() const
return m_attributes;
inline const CellAttributes& MarkedBlock::attributes() const
return handle().attributes();
inline bool MarkedBlock::Handle::needsDestruction() const
return m_attributes.destruction == NeedsDestruction;
inline DestructionMode MarkedBlock::Handle::destruction() const
return m_attributes.destruction;
inline HeapCell::Kind MarkedBlock::Handle::cellKind() const
return m_attributes.cellKind;
inline size_t MarkedBlock::Handle::markCount()
return m_block->markCount();
inline size_t MarkedBlock::Handle::size()
return markCount() * cellSize();
inline size_t MarkedBlock::atomNumber(const void* p)
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this)) / atomSize;
inline bool MarkedBlock::areMarksStale(HeapVersion markingVersion)
return markingVersion != footer().m_markingVersion;
inline Dependency MarkedBlock::aboutToMark(HeapVersion markingVersion)
HeapVersion version = footer().m_markingVersion;
if (UNLIKELY(version != markingVersion))
return Dependency::fence(version);
inline void MarkedBlock::Handle::assertMarksNotStale()
inline bool MarkedBlock::isMarkedRaw(const void* p)
return footer().m_marks.get(atomNumber(p));
inline bool MarkedBlock::isMarked(HeapVersion markingVersion, const void* p)
HeapVersion version = footer().m_markingVersion;
if (UNLIKELY(version != markingVersion))
return false;
return footer().m_marks.get(atomNumber(p), Dependency::fence(version));
inline bool MarkedBlock::isMarked(const void* p, Dependency dependency)
return footer().m_marks.get(atomNumber(p), dependency);
inline bool MarkedBlock::testAndSetMarked(const void* p, Dependency dependency)
return footer().m_marks.concurrentTestAndSet(atomNumber(p), dependency);
inline const Bitmap<MarkedBlock::atomsPerBlock>& MarkedBlock::marks() const
return footer().m_marks;
inline bool MarkedBlock::isNewlyAllocated(const void* p)
return footer().m_newlyAllocated.get(atomNumber(p));
inline void MarkedBlock::setNewlyAllocated(const void* p)
inline void MarkedBlock::clearNewlyAllocated(const void* p)
inline const Bitmap<MarkedBlock::atomsPerBlock>& MarkedBlock::newlyAllocated() const
return footer().m_newlyAllocated;
inline bool MarkedBlock::isAtom(const void* p)
size_t atomNumber = this->atomNumber(p);
if (atomNumber % handle().m_atomsPerCell) // Filters pointers into cell middles.
return false;
if (atomNumber >= handle().m_endAtom) // Filters pointers into invalid cells out of the range.
return false;
return true;
template <typename Functor>
inline IterationStatus MarkedBlock::Handle::forEachCell(const Functor& functor)
HeapCell::Kind kind = m_attributes.cellKind;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_endAtom; i += m_atomsPerCell) {
HeapCell* cell = reinterpret_cast_ptr<HeapCell*>(&m_block->atoms()[i]);
if (functor(cell, kind) == IterationStatus::Done)
return IterationStatus::Done;
return IterationStatus::Continue;
inline bool MarkedBlock::hasAnyMarked() const
return footer().m_biasedMarkCount != footer().m_markCountBias;
inline void MarkedBlock::noteMarked()
// This is racy by design. We don't want to pay the price of an atomic increment!
int16_t biasedMarkCount = footer().m_biasedMarkCount;
footer().m_biasedMarkCount = biasedMarkCount;
if (UNLIKELY(!biasedMarkCount))
} // namespace JSC
namespace WTF {
struct MarkedBlockHash : PtrHash<JSC::MarkedBlock*> {
static unsigned hash(JSC::MarkedBlock* const& key)
// Aligned VM regions tend to be monotonically increasing integers,
// which is a great hash function, but we have to remove the low bits,
// since they're always zero, which is a terrible hash function!
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(key) / JSC::MarkedBlock::blockSize;
template<> struct DefaultHash<JSC::MarkedBlock*> {
typedef MarkedBlockHash Hash;
void printInternal(PrintStream& out, JSC::MarkedBlock::Handle::SweepMode);
} // namespace WTF