blob: 18fbf2e53f9a4c8e82099ddd6c70fcf0fbfcbfa9 [file] [log] [blame]
Test DOMPoint and DOMPointReadOnly interfaces
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor no args
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor one args
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor two args
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor three args
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor four args
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor more then four args
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor with undefined
PASS test DOMPoint Constructor with string
FAIL test DOMPoint Constructor with empty object assert_equals: x is not matched expected NaN but got 0
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with empty object
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with x
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with x, y
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with x, y, z
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with x, y, z, w
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with x, y, z, w, v
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with x, z
PASS test DOMPoint fromPoint with undefined value
PASS test DOMPoint matrixTransform
PASS test DOMPoint Attributes undefined
PASS test DOMPoint Attributes NaN Infinity
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor no args
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor one args
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor two args
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor three args
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor four args
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor more then four args
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor with undefined
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor with string
FAIL test DOMPointReadOnly Constructor with object assert_equals: x is not matched expected NaN but got 0
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with empty object
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with x
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with x, y
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with x, y, z
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with x, y, z, w
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with x, y, z, w, v
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with x, z
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly fromPoint with undefined value
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly matrixTransform
PASS test DOMPointReadOnly Attributes undefined