blob: 48f32525ccfea5cb3d65708ce09893578e8d27a6 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS getAnimations for non-animated content
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations
PASS Order of CSS Animations - within an element
FAIL Order of CSS Animations - across elements assert_equals: Order of first animation returned after tree surgery expected Element node <div style="animation: animLeft 100s"><div style="animati... but got Element node <div style="animation: animLeft 100s"></div>
PASS Order of CSS Animations - across and within elements
FAIL Order of CSS Animations - markup-bound vs free animations assert_equals: getAnimations returns markup-bound and free animations expected 2 but got 1
FAIL Order of CSS Animations - free animations assert_equals: getAnimations returns free animations expected 2 but got 0
FAIL Order of CSS Animations and CSS Transitions assert_equals: Both CSS animations and transitions are returned expected 2 but got 1
PASS Finished but filling CSS Animations are returned
PASS Finished but not filling CSS Animations are not returned
PASS Yet-to-start CSS Animations are returned
PASS CSS Animations cancelled via the API are not returned
PASS CSS Animations cancelled and restarted via the API are returned
FAIL CSS Animations targetting (pseudo-)elements should have correct order after sorting assert_equals: The animation targeting the ::before element comes second expected (string) "::before" but got (undefined) undefined