blob: 2633980799de6c63ed199f1284268982e6518770 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html><!-- webkit-test-runner [ enableCSSAnimationsAndCSSTransitionsBackedByWebAnimations=true ] -->
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testcommon.js"></script>
@keyframes anim {
0% { margin-left: 0px }
100% { margin-left: 10000px }
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
function getMarginLeft(cs) {
return parseFloat(cs.marginLeft);
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
var cs = getComputedStyle(div); = 'anim 1000s paused';
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Initial value of margin-left is zero');;
return animation.ready.then(waitForNextFrame).then(function() {
assert_greater_than(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Playing value of margin-left is greater than zero');
}, 'play() overrides animation-play-state');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
var cs = getComputedStyle(div); = 'anim 1000s paused';
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Initial value of margin-left is zero');
animation.pause(); = 'running';
return animation.ready.then(waitForNextFrame).then(function() {
assert_equals(cs.animationPlayState, 'running',
'animation-play-state is running');
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Paused value of margin-left is zero');
}, 'pause() overrides animation-play-state');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
var cs = getComputedStyle(div); = 'anim 1000s paused';
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Initial value of margin-left is zero');;
var previousAnimVal;
return animation.ready.then(function() { = 'running';
cs.animationPlayState; // Trigger style resolution
return waitForNextFrame();
}).then(function() {
assert_equals(cs.animationPlayState, 'running',
'animation-play-state is running'); = 'paused';
return animation.ready;
}).then(function() {
assert_equals(cs.animationPlayState, 'paused',
'animation-play-state is paused');
previousAnimVal = getMarginLeft(cs);
return waitForNextFrame();
}).then(function() {
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), previousAnimVal,
'Animated value of margin-left does not change when'
+ ' paused by style');
}, 'play() is overridden by later setting "animation-play-state: paused"');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
var cs = getComputedStyle(div); = 'anim 1000s';
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Initial value of margin-left is zero');
// Set the specified style first. If implementations fail to
// apply the style changes first, they will ignore the redundant
// call to play() and fail to correctly override the pause style. = 'paused';;
var previousAnimVal = getMarginLeft(cs);
return animation.ready.then(waitForNextFrame).then(function() {
assert_equals(cs.animationPlayState, 'paused',
'animation-play-state is paused');
assert_greater_than(getMarginLeft(cs), previousAnimVal,
'Playing value of margin-left is increasing');
}, 'play() flushes pending changes to animation-play-state first');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
var cs = getComputedStyle(div); = 'anim 1000s paused';
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), 0,
'Initial value of margin-left is zero');
// Unlike the previous test for play(), since calling pause() is sticky,
// we'll apply it even if the underlying style also says we're paused.
// We would like to test that implementations flush styles before running
// pause() but actually there's no style we can currently set that will
// change the behavior of pause(). That may change in the future
// (e.g. if we introduce animation-timeline or animation-playback-rate etc.).
// For now this just serves as a sanity check that we do the same thing
// even if we set style before calling the API. = 'running';
var previousAnimVal = getMarginLeft(cs);
return animation.ready.then(waitForNextFrame).then(function() {
assert_equals(cs.animationPlayState, 'running',
'animation-play-state is running');
assert_equals(getMarginLeft(cs), previousAnimVal,
'Paused value of margin-left does not change');
}, 'pause() applies pending changes to animation-play-state first');
// (Note that we can't actually test for this; see comment above, in test-body.)
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: anim 1000s' });
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
var readyPromiseRun = false;
return animation.ready.then(function() { = 'paused';
assert_true(animation.pending && animation.playState === 'paused',
'Animation is pause-pending');
// Set current time
animation.currentTime = 5 * MS_PER_SEC;
assert_equals(animation.playState, 'paused',
'Animation is paused immediately after setting currentTime');
assert_equals(animation.startTime, null,
'Animation startTime is unresolved immediately after ' +
'setting currentTime');
assert_equals(animation.currentTime, 5 * MS_PER_SEC,
'Animation currentTime does not change when forcing a ' +
'pause operation to complete');
// The ready promise should now be resolved. If it's not then test will
// probably time out before anything else happens that causes it to resolve.
return animation.ready;
}, 'Setting the current time completes a pending pause');