| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "HTMLPlugInImageElement.h" |
| |
| #include "Chrome.h" |
| #include "ChromeClient.h" |
| #include "CommonVM.h" |
| #include "ContentSecurityPolicy.h" |
| #include "EventNames.h" |
| #include "FrameLoaderClient.h" |
| #include "HTMLImageLoader.h" |
| #include "JSDOMConvertBoolean.h" |
| #include "JSDOMConvertInterface.h" |
| #include "JSDOMConvertStrings.h" |
| #include "JSShadowRoot.h" |
| #include "LocalizedStrings.h" |
| #include "Logging.h" |
| #include "MainFrame.h" |
| #include "MouseEvent.h" |
| #include "Page.h" |
| #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" |
| #include "PlugInClient.h" |
| #include "PluginViewBase.h" |
| #include "RenderImage.h" |
| #include "RenderSnapshottedPlugIn.h" |
| #include "RenderTreeUpdater.h" |
| #include "SchemeRegistry.h" |
| #include "ScriptController.h" |
| #include "SecurityOrigin.h" |
| #include "Settings.h" |
| #include "ShadowRoot.h" |
| #include "StyleTreeResolver.h" |
| #include "SubframeLoader.h" |
| #include "TypedElementDescendantIterator.h" |
| #include <runtime/CatchScope.h> |
| |
| namespace WebCore { |
| |
| static const int sizingTinyDimensionThreshold = 40; |
| static const float sizingFullPageAreaRatioThreshold = 0.96; |
| static const Seconds autostartSoonAfterUserGestureThreshold = 5_s; |
| |
| // This delay should not exceed the snapshot delay in PluginView.cpp |
| static const Seconds simulatedMouseClickTimerDelay { 750_ms }; |
| |
| static const Seconds removeSnapshotTimerDelay { 1500_ms }; |
| #endif |
| |
| static const String titleText(Page& page, const String& mimeType) |
| { |
| // FIXME: It's not consistent to get a string from the page's chrome client, but then cache it globally. |
| // If it's global, it should come from elsewhere. If it's per-page then it should be cached per page. |
| static NeverDestroyed<HashMap<String, String>> mimeTypeToLabelTitleMap; |
| return mimeTypeToLabelTitleMap.get().ensure(mimeType, [&] { |
| auto title = page.chrome().client().plugInStartLabelTitle(mimeType); |
| if (!title.isEmpty()) |
| return title; |
| return snapshottedPlugInLabelTitle(); |
| }).iterator->value; |
| }; |
| |
| static const String subtitleText(Page& page, const String& mimeType) |
| { |
| // FIXME: It's not consistent to get a string from the page's chrome client, but then cache it globally. |
| // If it's global, it should come from elsewhere. If it's per-page then it should be cached per page. |
| static NeverDestroyed<HashMap<String, String>> mimeTypeToLabelSubtitleMap; |
| return mimeTypeToLabelSubtitleMap.get().ensure(mimeType, [&] { |
| auto subtitle = page.chrome().client().plugInStartLabelSubtitle(mimeType); |
| if (!subtitle.isEmpty()) |
| return subtitle; |
| return snapshottedPlugInLabelSubtitle(); |
| }).iterator->value; |
| }; |
| |
| HTMLPlugInImageElement::HTMLPlugInImageElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document& document) |
| : HTMLPlugInElement(tagName, document) |
| , m_simulatedMouseClickTimer(*this, &HTMLPlugInImageElement::simulatedMouseClickTimerFired, simulatedMouseClickTimerDelay) |
| , m_removeSnapshotTimer(*this, &HTMLPlugInImageElement::removeSnapshotTimerFired) |
| , m_createdDuringUserGesture(ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) |
| { |
| setHasCustomStyleResolveCallbacks(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::finishCreating() |
| { |
| scheduleUpdateForAfterStyleResolution(); |
| } |
| |
| HTMLPlugInImageElement::~HTMLPlugInImageElement() |
| { |
| if (m_needsDocumentActivationCallbacks) |
| document().unregisterForDocumentSuspensionCallbacks(this); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::setDisplayState(DisplayState state) |
| { |
| if (state == RestartingWithPendingMouseClick || state == Restarting) { |
| m_isRestartedPlugin = true; |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| invalidateStyleAndLayerComposition(); |
| if (displayState() == DisplayingSnapshot) |
| m_removeSnapshotTimer.startOneShot(removeSnapshotTimerDelay); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::setDisplayState(state); |
| } |
| |
| RenderEmbeddedObject* HTMLPlugInImageElement::renderEmbeddedObject() const |
| { |
| // HTMLObjectElement and HTMLEmbedElement may return arbitrary renderers when using fallback content. |
| return is<RenderEmbeddedObject>(renderer()) ? downcast<RenderEmbeddedObject>(renderer()) : nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::isImageType() |
| { |
| if (m_serviceType.isEmpty() && protocolIs(m_url, "data")) |
| m_serviceType = mimeTypeFromDataURL(m_url); |
| |
| if (auto* frame = document().frame()) |
| return frame->loader().client().objectContentType(document().completeURL(m_url), m_serviceType) == ObjectContentType::Image; |
| |
| return Image::supportsType(m_serviceType); |
| } |
| |
| // We don't use m_url, as it may not be the final URL that the object loads, depending on <param> values. |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::allowedToLoadFrameURL(const String& url) |
| { |
| URL completeURL = document().completeURL(url); |
| if (contentFrame() && protocolIsJavaScript(completeURL) && !document().securityOrigin().canAccess(contentDocument()->securityOrigin())) |
| return false; |
| return document().frame()->isURLAllowed(completeURL); |
| } |
| |
| // We don't use m_url, or m_serviceType as they may not be the final values |
| // that <object> uses depending on <param> values. |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::wouldLoadAsPlugIn(const String& url, const String& serviceType) |
| { |
| ASSERT(document().frame()); |
| URL completedURL; |
| if (!url.isEmpty()) |
| completedURL = document().completeURL(url); |
| return document().frame()->loader().client().objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentType::PlugIn; |
| } |
| |
| RenderPtr<RenderElement> HTMLPlugInImageElement::createElementRenderer(RenderStyle&& style, const RenderTreePosition& insertionPosition) |
| { |
| ASSERT(document().pageCacheState() == Document::NotInPageCache); |
| |
| if (displayState() >= PreparingPluginReplacement) |
| return HTMLPlugInElement::createElementRenderer(WTFMove(style), insertionPosition); |
| |
| // Once a plug-in element creates its renderer, it needs to be told when the document goes |
| // inactive or reactivates so it can clear the renderer before going into the page cache. |
| if (!m_needsDocumentActivationCallbacks) { |
| m_needsDocumentActivationCallbacks = true; |
| document().registerForDocumentSuspensionCallbacks(this); |
| } |
| |
| if (displayState() == DisplayingSnapshot) { |
| auto renderSnapshottedPlugIn = createRenderer<RenderSnapshottedPlugIn>(*this, WTFMove(style)); |
| renderSnapshottedPlugIn->updateSnapshot(m_snapshotImage.get()); |
| return WTFMove(renderSnapshottedPlugIn); |
| } |
| |
| if (useFallbackContent()) |
| return RenderElement::createFor(*this, WTFMove(style)); |
| |
| if (isImageType()) |
| return createRenderer<RenderImage>(*this, WTFMove(style)); |
| |
| return HTMLPlugInElement::createElementRenderer(WTFMove(style), insertionPosition); |
| } |
| |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::childShouldCreateRenderer(const Node& child) const |
| { |
| if (is<RenderSnapshottedPlugIn>(renderer()) && !hasShadowRootParent(child)) |
| return false; |
| |
| return HTMLPlugInElement::childShouldCreateRenderer(child); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::willRecalcStyle(Style::Change change) |
| { |
| // Make sure style recalcs scheduled by a child shadow tree don't trigger reconstruction and cause flicker. |
| if (change == Style::NoChange && styleValidity() == Style::Validity::Valid) |
| return; |
| |
| // FIXME: There shoudn't be need to force render tree reconstruction here. |
| // It is only done because loading and load event dispatching is tied to render tree construction. |
| if (!useFallbackContent() && needsWidgetUpdate() && renderer() && !isImageType() && displayState() != DisplayingSnapshot) |
| invalidateStyleAndRenderersForSubtree(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::didRecalcStyle(Style::Change styleChange) |
| { |
| scheduleUpdateForAfterStyleResolution(); |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::didRecalcStyle(styleChange); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::didAttachRenderers() |
| { |
| m_needsWidgetUpdate = true; |
| scheduleUpdateForAfterStyleResolution(); |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::didAttachRenderers(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::willDetachRenderers() |
| { |
| auto* widget = pluginWidget(PluginLoadingPolicy::DoNotLoad); |
| if (is<PluginViewBase>(widget)) |
| downcast<PluginViewBase>(*widget).willDetatchRenderer(); |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::willDetachRenderers(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::scheduleUpdateForAfterStyleResolution() |
| { |
| if (m_hasUpdateScheduledForAfterStyleResolution) |
| return; |
| |
| document().incrementLoadEventDelayCount(); |
| |
| m_hasUpdateScheduledForAfterStyleResolution = true; |
| |
| Style::queuePostResolutionCallback([protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { |
| protectedThis->updateAfterStyleResolution(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::updateAfterStyleResolution() |
| { |
| m_hasUpdateScheduledForAfterStyleResolution = false; |
| |
| // Do this after style resolution, since the image or widget load might complete synchronously |
| // and cause us to re-enter otherwise. Also, we can't really answer the question "do I have a renderer" |
| // accurately until after style resolution. |
| |
| if (renderer() && !useFallbackContent()) { |
| if (isImageType()) { |
| if (!m_imageLoader) |
| m_imageLoader = std::make_unique<HTMLImageLoader>(*this); |
| if (m_needsImageReload) |
| m_imageLoader->updateFromElementIgnoringPreviousError(); |
| else |
| m_imageLoader->updateFromElement(); |
| } else { |
| if (needsWidgetUpdate() && renderEmbeddedObject() && !renderEmbeddedObject()->isPluginUnavailable()) |
| updateWidget(CreatePlugins::No); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Either we reloaded the image just now, or we had some reason not to. |
| // Either way, clear the flag now, since we don't need to remember to try again. |
| m_needsImageReload = false; |
| |
| document().decrementLoadEventDelayCount(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::didMoveToNewDocument(Document& oldDocument, Document& newDocument) |
| { |
| ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(&document() == &newDocument); |
| if (m_needsDocumentActivationCallbacks) { |
| oldDocument.unregisterForDocumentSuspensionCallbacks(this); |
| newDocument.registerForDocumentSuspensionCallbacks(this); |
| } |
| |
| if (m_imageLoader) |
| m_imageLoader->elementDidMoveToNewDocument(); |
| |
| if (m_hasUpdateScheduledForAfterStyleResolution) { |
| oldDocument.decrementLoadEventDelayCount(); |
| newDocument.incrementLoadEventDelayCount(); |
| } |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::didMoveToNewDocument(oldDocument, newDocument); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::prepareForDocumentSuspension() |
| { |
| if (renderer()) |
| RenderTreeUpdater::tearDownRenderers(*this); |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::prepareForDocumentSuspension(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::resumeFromDocumentSuspension() |
| { |
| scheduleUpdateForAfterStyleResolution(); |
| invalidateStyleAndRenderersForSubtree(); |
| |
| HTMLPlugInElement::resumeFromDocumentSuspension(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::updateSnapshot(Image* image) |
| { |
| if (displayState() > DisplayingSnapshot) |
| return; |
| |
| m_snapshotImage = image; |
| |
| auto* renderer = this->renderer(); |
| if (!renderer) |
| return; |
| |
| if (is<RenderSnapshottedPlugIn>(*renderer)) { |
| downcast<RenderSnapshottedPlugIn>(*renderer).updateSnapshot(image); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (is<RenderEmbeddedObject>(*renderer)) |
| renderer->repaint(); |
| } |
| |
| static DOMWrapperWorld& plugInImageElementIsolatedWorld() |
| { |
| static auto& isolatedWorld = DOMWrapperWorld::create(commonVM()).leakRef(); |
| return isolatedWorld; |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::didAddUserAgentShadowRoot(ShadowRoot* root) |
| { |
| HTMLPlugInElement::didAddUserAgentShadowRoot(root); |
| if (displayState() >= PreparingPluginReplacement) |
| return; |
| |
| auto* page = document().page(); |
| if (!page) |
| return; |
| |
| // Reset any author styles that may apply as we only want explicit |
| // styles defined in the injected user agents stylesheets to specify |
| // the look-and-feel of the snapshotted plug-in overlay. |
| root->setResetStyleInheritance(true); |
| |
| String mimeType = loadedMimeType(); |
| |
| auto& isolatedWorld = plugInImageElementIsolatedWorld(); |
| document().ensurePlugInsInjectedScript(isolatedWorld); |
| |
| auto& scriptController = document().frame()->script(); |
| auto& globalObject = *JSC::jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(scriptController.globalObject(isolatedWorld)); |
| |
| auto& vm = globalObject.vm(); |
| JSC::JSLockHolder lock(vm); |
| auto scope = DECLARE_CATCH_SCOPE(vm); |
| auto& state = *globalObject.globalExec(); |
| |
| JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer argList; |
| argList.append(toJS<IDLInterface<ShadowRoot>>(state, globalObject, root)); |
| argList.append(toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, titleText(*page, mimeType))); |
| argList.append(toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, subtitleText(*page, mimeType))); |
| |
| // This parameter determines whether or not the snapshot overlay should always be visible over the plugin snapshot. |
| // If no snapshot was found then we want the overlay to be visible. |
| argList.append(toJS<IDLBoolean>(!m_snapshotImage)); |
| |
| // It is expected the JS file provides a createOverlay(shadowRoot, title, subtitle) function. |
| auto* overlay = globalObject.get(&state, JSC::Identifier::fromString(&state, "createOverlay")).toObject(&state); |
| ASSERT(!overlay == !!scope.exception()); |
| if (!overlay) { |
| scope.clearException(); |
| return; |
| } |
| JSC::CallData callData; |
| auto callType = overlay->methodTable(vm)->getCallData(overlay, callData); |
| if (callType == JSC::CallType::None) |
| return; |
| |
| call(&state, overlay, callType, callData, &globalObject, argList); |
| scope.clearException(); |
| } |
| |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::partOfSnapshotOverlay(const Node* node) const |
| { |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> selector(".snapshot-overlay", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral); |
| auto* shadow = userAgentShadowRoot(); |
| if (!shadow) |
| return false; |
| if (!node) |
| return false; |
| auto queryResult = shadow->querySelector(selector.get()); |
| if (queryResult.hasException()) |
| return false; |
| auto* snapshotLabel = queryResult.releaseReturnValue(); |
| return snapshotLabel && snapshotLabel->contains(node); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::removeSnapshotTimerFired() |
| { |
| m_snapshotImage = nullptr; |
| m_isRestartedPlugin = false; |
| invalidateStyleAndLayerComposition(); |
| if (renderer()) |
| renderer()->repaint(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::restartSimilarPlugIns() |
| { |
| // Restart any other snapshotted plugins in the page with the same origin. Note that they |
| // may be in different frames, so traverse from the top of the document. |
| |
| String plugInOrigin = m_loadedUrl.host(); |
| String mimeType = loadedMimeType(); |
| Vector<Ref<HTMLPlugInImageElement>> similarPlugins; |
| |
| if (!document().page()) |
| return; |
| |
| for (Frame* frame = &document().page()->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
| if (!frame->loader().subframeLoader().containsPlugins()) |
| continue; |
| |
| if (!frame->document()) |
| continue; |
| |
| for (auto& element : descendantsOfType<HTMLPlugInImageElement>(*frame->document())) { |
| if (plugInOrigin == element.loadedUrl().host() && mimeType == element.loadedMimeType()) |
| similarPlugins.append(element); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (auto& plugInToRestart : similarPlugins) { |
| if (plugInToRestart->displayState() <= HTMLPlugInElement::DisplayingSnapshot) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in looks similar to a restarted plug-in. Restart.", plugInToRestart.ptr()); |
| plugInToRestart->restartSnapshottedPlugIn(); |
| } |
| plugInToRestart->m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::userDidClickSnapshot(MouseEvent& event, bool forwardEvent) |
| { |
| if (forwardEvent) |
| m_pendingClickEventFromSnapshot = &event; |
| |
| String plugInOrigin = m_loadedUrl.host(); |
| if (document().page() && !SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLocal(document().page()->mainFrame().document()->baseURL().protocol().toStringWithoutCopying()) && document().page()->settings().autostartOriginPlugInSnapshottingEnabled()) |
| document().page()->plugInClient()->didStartFromOrigin(document().page()->mainFrame().document()->baseURL().host(), plugInOrigin, loadedMimeType(), document().page()->sessionID()); |
| |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p User clicked on snapshotted plug-in. Restart.", this); |
| restartSnapshottedPlugIn(); |
| if (forwardEvent) |
| setDisplayState(RestartingWithPendingMouseClick); |
| restartSimilarPlugIns(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::setIsPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn(bool isPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn) |
| { |
| if (!document().page() || !document().page()->settings().primaryPlugInSnapshotDetectionEnabled() || document().page()->settings().snapshotAllPlugIns()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (isPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn) { |
| if (m_plugInWasCreated) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was detected as the primary element in the page. Restart.", this); |
| restartSnapshottedPlugIn(); |
| restartSimilarPlugIns(); |
| } else { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was detected as the primary element in the page, but is not yet created. Will restart later.", this); |
| m_deferredPromotionToPrimaryPlugIn = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::restartSnapshottedPlugIn() |
| { |
| if (displayState() >= RestartingWithPendingMouseClick) |
| return; |
| |
| setDisplayState(Restarting); |
| invalidateStyleAndRenderersForSubtree(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::dispatchPendingMouseClick() |
| { |
| ASSERT(!m_simulatedMouseClickTimer.isActive()); |
| m_simulatedMouseClickTimer.restart(); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::simulatedMouseClickTimerFired() |
| { |
| ASSERT(displayState() == RestartingWithPendingMouseClick); |
| ASSERT(m_pendingClickEventFromSnapshot); |
| |
| setDisplayState(Playing); |
| dispatchSimulatedClick(m_pendingClickEventFromSnapshot.get(), SendMouseOverUpDownEvents, DoNotShowPressedLook); |
| |
| m_pendingClickEventFromSnapshot = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| static bool documentHadRecentUserGesture(Document& document) |
| { |
| MonotonicTime lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp = document.lastHandledUserGestureTimestamp(); |
| if (document.frame() != &document.page()->mainFrame() && document.page()->mainFrame().document()) |
| lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp = std::max(lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp, document.page()->mainFrame().document()->lastHandledUserGestureTimestamp()); |
| |
| return MonotonicTime::now() - lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp < autostartSoonAfterUserGestureThreshold; |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::checkSizeChangeForSnapshotting() |
| { |
| if (!m_needsCheckForSizeChange || m_snapshotDecision != MaySnapshotWhenResized || documentHadRecentUserGesture(document())) |
| return; |
| |
| m_needsCheckForSizeChange = false; |
| |
| auto contentBoxRect = downcast<RenderBox>(*renderer()).contentBoxRect(); |
| int contentWidth = contentBoxRect.width(); |
| int contentHeight = contentBoxRect.height(); |
| |
| if (contentWidth <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold || contentHeight <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold) |
| return; |
| |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in originally avoided snapshotting because it was sized %dx%d. Now it is %dx%d. Tell it to snapshot.\n", this, m_sizeWhenSnapshotted.width(), m_sizeWhenSnapshotted.height(), contentWidth, contentHeight); |
| setDisplayState(WaitingForSnapshot); |
| m_snapshotDecision = Snapshotted; |
| auto* widget = pluginWidget(); |
| if (is<PluginViewBase>(widget)) |
| downcast<PluginViewBase>(*widget).beginSnapshottingRunningPlugin(); |
| } |
| |
| static inline bool is100Percent(Length length) |
| { |
| return length.isPercent() && length.percent() == 100; |
| } |
| |
| static inline bool isSmallerThanTinySizingThreshold(const RenderEmbeddedObject& renderer) |
| { |
| auto contentRect = renderer.contentBoxRect(); |
| return contentRect.width() <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold || contentRect.height() <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold; |
| } |
| |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::isTopLevelFullPagePlugin(const RenderEmbeddedObject& renderer) const |
| { |
| ASSERT(document().frame()); |
| auto& frame = *document().frame(); |
| if (!frame.isMainFrame()) |
| return false; |
| |
| auto& style = renderer.style(); |
| auto visibleSize = frame.view()->visibleSize(); |
| auto contentRect = renderer.contentBoxRect(); |
| float contentWidth = contentRect.width(); |
| float contentHeight = contentRect.height(); |
| return is100Percent(style.width()) && is100Percent(style.height()) && contentWidth * contentHeight > visibleSize.area().unsafeGet() * sizingFullPageAreaRatioThreshold; |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::checkSnapshotStatus() |
| { |
| if (!is<RenderSnapshottedPlugIn>(*renderer())) { |
| if (displayState() == Playing) |
| checkSizeChangeForSnapshotting(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // If width and height styles were previously not set and we've snapshotted the plugin we may need to restart the plugin so that its state can be updated appropriately. |
| if (!document().page()->settings().snapshotAllPlugIns() && displayState() <= DisplayingSnapshot && !m_plugInDimensionsSpecified) { |
| auto& renderer = downcast<RenderSnapshottedPlugIn>(*this->renderer()); |
| if (!renderer.style().logicalWidth().isSpecified() && !renderer.style().logicalHeight().isSpecified()) |
| return; |
| |
| m_plugInDimensionsSpecified = true; |
| if (isTopLevelFullPagePlugin(renderer)) { |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| restartSnapshottedPlugIn(); |
| } else if (isSmallerThanTinySizingThreshold(renderer)) { |
| m_snapshotDecision = MaySnapshotWhenResized; |
| restartSnapshottedPlugIn(); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Notify the shadow root that the size changed so that we may update the overlay layout. |
| ensureUserAgentShadowRoot().dispatchEvent(Event::create(eventNames().resizeEvent, true, false)); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::subframeLoaderWillCreatePlugIn(const URL& url) |
| { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in URL: %s", this, m_url.utf8().data()); |
| LOG(Plugins, " Actual URL: %s", url.string().utf8().data()); |
| LOG(Plugins, " MIME type: %s", loadedMimeType().utf8().data()); |
| |
| m_loadedUrl = url; |
| m_plugInWasCreated = false; |
| m_deferredPromotionToPrimaryPlugIn = false; |
| |
| if (!document().page() || !document().page()->settings().plugInSnapshottingEnabled()) { |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (displayState() == Restarting) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is explicitly restarting", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| setDisplayState(Playing); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (displayState() == RestartingWithPendingMouseClick) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is explicitly restarting but also waiting for a click", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (m_snapshotDecision == NeverSnapshot) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is blessed, allow it to start", this); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| bool inMainFrame = document().frame()->isMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (document().isPluginDocument() && inMainFrame) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in document in main frame", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Script is currently processing user gesture, set to play", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (m_createdDuringUserGesture) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created when processing user gesture, set to play", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (documentHadRecentUserGesture(document())) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created shortly after a user gesture, set to play", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (document().page()->settings().snapshotAllPlugIns()) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in forced to snapshot by user preference", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = Snapshotted; |
| setDisplayState(WaitingForSnapshot); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (document().page()->settings().autostartOriginPlugInSnapshottingEnabled() && document().page()->plugInClient() && document().page()->plugInClient()->shouldAutoStartFromOrigin(document().page()->mainFrame().document()->baseURL().host(), url.host(), loadedMimeType())) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in from (%s, %s) is marked to auto-start, set to play", this, document().page()->mainFrame().document()->baseURL().host().utf8().data(), url.host().utf8().data()); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (m_loadedUrl.isEmpty() && !loadedMimeType().isEmpty()) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in has no src URL but does have a valid mime type %s, set to play", this, loadedMimeType().utf8().data()); |
| m_snapshotDecision = MaySnapshotWhenContentIsSet; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLocal(m_loadedUrl.protocol().toStringWithoutCopying()) && !m_loadedUrl.host().isEmpty() && m_loadedUrl.host() == document().page()->mainFrame().document()->baseURL().host()) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is served from page's domain, set to play", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto& renderer = downcast<RenderEmbeddedObject>(*this->renderer()); |
| auto contentRect = renderer.contentBoxRect(); |
| int contentWidth = contentRect.width(); |
| int contentHeight = contentRect.height(); |
| |
| m_plugInDimensionsSpecified = renderer.style().logicalWidth().isSpecified() || renderer.style().logicalHeight().isSpecified(); |
| |
| if (isTopLevelFullPagePlugin(renderer)) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is top level full page, set to play", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (isSmallerThanTinySizingThreshold(renderer)) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is very small %dx%d, set to play", this, contentWidth, contentHeight); |
| m_sizeWhenSnapshotted = IntSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); |
| m_snapshotDecision = MaySnapshotWhenResized; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!document().page()->plugInClient()) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p There is no plug-in client. Set to wait for snapshot", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| setDisplayState(WaitingForSnapshot); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in from (%s, %s) is not auto-start, sized at %dx%d, set to wait for snapshot", this, document().topDocument().baseURL().host().utf8().data(), url.host().utf8().data(), contentWidth, contentHeight); |
| m_snapshotDecision = Snapshotted; |
| setDisplayState(WaitingForSnapshot); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::subframeLoaderDidCreatePlugIn(const Widget& widget) |
| { |
| m_plugInWasCreated = true; |
| |
| if (is<PluginViewBase>(widget) && downcast<PluginViewBase>(widget).shouldAlwaysAutoStart()) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in should auto-start, set to play", this); |
| m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot; |
| setDisplayState(Playing); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (m_deferredPromotionToPrimaryPlugIn) { |
| LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created, previously deferred promotion to primary. Will promote", this); |
| setIsPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn(true); |
| m_deferredPromotionToPrimaryPlugIn = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::defaultEventHandler(Event& event) |
| { |
| if (is<RenderEmbeddedObject>(renderer()) && displayState() == WaitingForSnapshot && is<MouseEvent>(event) && event.type() == eventNames().clickEvent) { |
| auto& mouseEvent = downcast<MouseEvent>(event); |
| if (mouseEvent.button() == LeftButton) { |
| userDidClickSnapshot(mouseEvent, true); |
| mouseEvent.setDefaultHandled(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| HTMLPlugInElement::defaultEventHandler(event); |
| } |
| |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::allowedToLoadPluginContent(const String& url, const String& mimeType) const |
| { |
| // Elements in user agent show tree should load whatever the embedding document policy is. |
| if (isInUserAgentShadowTree()) |
| return true; |
| |
| URL completedURL; |
| if (!url.isEmpty()) |
| completedURL = document().completeURL(url); |
| |
| ASSERT(document().contentSecurityPolicy()); |
| const ContentSecurityPolicy& contentSecurityPolicy = *document().contentSecurityPolicy(); |
| |
| contentSecurityPolicy.upgradeInsecureRequestIfNeeded(completedURL, ContentSecurityPolicy::InsecureRequestType::Load); |
| |
| if (!contentSecurityPolicy.allowObjectFromSource(completedURL)) |
| return false; |
| |
| auto& declaredMimeType = document().isPluginDocument() && document().ownerElement() ? |
| document().ownerElement()->attributeWithoutSynchronization(HTMLNames::typeAttr) : attributeWithoutSynchronization(HTMLNames::typeAttr); |
| return contentSecurityPolicy.allowPluginType(mimeType, declaredMimeType, completedURL); |
| } |
| |
| bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::requestObject(const String& url, const String& mimeType, const Vector<String>& paramNames, const Vector<String>& paramValues) |
| { |
| ASSERT(document().frame()); |
| |
| if (url.isEmpty() && mimeType.isEmpty()) |
| return false; |
| |
| if (!allowedToLoadPluginContent(url, mimeType)) { |
| renderEmbeddedObject()->setPluginUnavailabilityReason(RenderEmbeddedObject::PluginBlockedByContentSecurityPolicy); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| if (HTMLPlugInElement::requestObject(url, mimeType, paramNames, paramValues)) |
| return true; |
| |
| return document().frame()->loader().subframeLoader().requestObject(*this, url, getNameAttribute(), mimeType, paramNames, paramValues); |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLPlugInImageElement::updateImageLoaderWithNewURLSoon() |
| { |
| if (m_needsImageReload) |
| return; |
| |
| m_needsImageReload = true; |
| scheduleUpdateForAfterStyleResolution(); |
| invalidateStyle(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace WebCore |