blob: 034fa3943f31146990ac4d8ae574687462fc62b4 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: TypeError: The superclass is not a constructor.
Harness Error (FAIL), message = TypeError: The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS Element.attachShadow must create an instance of ShadowRoot for autonomous custom elements
PASS Element.attachShadow must create an instance of ShadowRoot for undefined autonomous custom elements
FAIL Element.attachShadow for an autonomous custom element with disabledFeatures=["shadow"] should throw a NotSupportedError assert_throws: Definition, not a host function "() => {
document.createElement('shadow-disabled-element').attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});
}" did not throw
FAIL Element.attachShadow for a customized built-in element with disabledFeatures=["shadow"] should throw a NotSupportedError The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS Element.attachShadow for a custom element with disabledFeatures=["SHADOW"] should not throw a NotSupportedError