| Tests that, for Quirks mode, changing the scrollTop property of a fake body element does not scroll the viewport |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS detachedBody.scrollTop is 0 |
| PASS detachedBody.scrollLeft is 0 |
| PASS document.body.scrollTop = 0 is 0 |
| PASS document.body.scrollLeft is 0 |
| PASS document.body.scrollTop is 0 |
| PASS document.documentElement.scrollLeft is 0 |
| PASS document.documentElement.scrollTop is 0 |
| Setting scrollTop on the detached body element should not change the main frame's scroll position. |
| PASS detachedBody.scrollTop = 500 is 500 |
| PASS document.body.scrollLeft is 0 |
| PASS document.body.scrollTop is 0 |
| PASS document.documentElement.scrollLeft is 0 |
| PASS document.documentElement.scrollTop is 0 |
| PASS detachedBody.scrollTop is 0 |
| PASS detachedBody.scrollLeft is 0 |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |