| This tests that the correct AXValueChanged notifications are posted when editing nested text areas with an intermediate non-editable text area. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| outer_editable original AXValue: abc |
| 1 AXValueChanged for element with AXRole: AXWebArea |
| 2 AXValueChanged for element outer_editable with AXRole: AXTextArea |
| 3 AXValueChanged for element outer_editable with AXRole: AXTextArea |
| 4 AXValueChanged for element with AXRole: AXWebArea |
| 5 AXValueChanged for element with AXRole: AXWebArea |
| 6 AXValueChanged for element outer_editable with AXRole: AXTextArea |
| 7 AXValueChanged for element inner_editable with AXRole: AXTextArea |
| 8 AXValueChanged for element inner_editable with AXRole: AXTextArea |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |