| This is a test. This is the second sentence. And this the third. |
| This tests the ability to get element text for different granularities and offsets. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS content.characterAtOffset(0) is 'T, 0, 1' |
| PASS content.wordAtOffset(0) is 'This , 0, 5' |
| PASS content.wordAtOffset(4) is 'This , 0, 5' |
| PASS content.wordAtOffset(10) is 'test. , 10, 16' |
| PASS content.wordAtOffset(58) is 'third., 58, 64' |
| PASS content.sentenceAtOffset(0) is 'This is a test. , 0, 16' |
| PASS content.sentenceAtOffset(15) is 'This is a test. , 0, 16' |
| PASS content.lineAtOffset(0) is 'This is a test. This is the second sentence. And this the third., 0, 64' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |