| <script src="../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| <a id="button1" role="button"> |
| <div><input type="file" onclick="pressPerformed(this);" title="Choose a file to upload" multiple="1" id="fileupload"></div> |
| <a id="button2" role="button"> |
| <div><button onclick="pressPerformed(this);" id="button"></div> |
| <a id="button3" role="button"> |
| <div><input type="checkbox" onclick="pressPerformed(this); finishJSTest();" id="checkbox"></div> |
| description("This tests that if a non-native action type is exposed as a control, then we will look for descendants to call press() on."); |
| function pressPerformed(element) { |
| debug("Press performed on " + element.getAttribute("id")); |
| window.jsTestIsAsync = true; |
| if (window.accessibilityController) { |
| for (var k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { |
| var button = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("button" + k); |
| <script src="../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |