| This tests that aria-modal works correctly on multiple dialogs |
| Verifying the background is accessible on page load. |
| PASS: background accessible: true |
| Clicking the display button to open #dialog1. |
| PASS: background accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog1 accessible: true |
| Clicking the new button to open #dialog2 without closing #dialog1. |
| PASS: background accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog1 accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog2 accessible: true |
| Focusing first descendant of #dialog1. |
| PASS: background accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog1 accessible: true |
| PASS: #dialog2 accessible: false |
| Moving focus back to first descendant of #dialog2. |
| PASS: background accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog1 accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog2 accessible: true |
| PASS: background accessible: false |
| PASS: #dialog1 accessible: true |
| PASS: background accessible: true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| Other page content with a dummy focusable element |